VOL.2 Chapter 5, Cloud Guide.

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The next morning, I woke far earlier than Kaylee, as usual seeing I need far less sleep compared to humans. Although I'm not sure if I can even call it a boon nowadays.

I wake when the sun is just starting to rise, during winters I wake when it is even still pitch black outside.

I guess it is a compromise between me and Kaylee through and through. I wanted to fall asleep with her anyway, so I'll have to accept waking up between four and five p.m. for granted.

It still beats joining her in bed in the middle of the night just so we can wake up together, I'd rather fall asleep in her arms than waking up together.

So usually, we have quite the good breakfast. Seeing I woke at six p.m. this morning I could only consider this sleeping in.

But with how high both of our emotions ran yesterday; I can understand that I slept a little longer.

It also won't surprise me if Kaylee doesn't wake until nine or ten in the morning, honestly.

When I carefully got out of bed, making sure not to disturb her, I gently kissed her brow and left the room.

Still dressed, I did not have to worry about waking her with getting dressed, but because of that, I always got dressed in the bathroom anyway.

Once downstairs, I made a pot of coffee for myself.

It would be long gone by the time Kaylee would wake, but I would just make a new one then anyway.

Sitting down with a steaming cup of coffee, I slouched into the couch and picked up my spell book from the table where I always left it.

And seeing I often took care of cleaning here in house, Kaylee didn't bother putting it away on a shelf.

She did, however, once suggest I sell it as a joke.

That did not go over well for her.

I hit her with three stun spells in a row, one after the other ended.

She had not been able to move for a grand total of six hours and definitely not to make jokes like that.

This book is my all. No-one is touching it, period.

I will let her skip through the pages occasionally but seeing she can't read my Elvish writing in it; she just spends those few minutes admiring my calligraphy in there.

I have tried explaining the contents of the written material, but she simply wound up with a throbbing headache for two days after that, so we both decided to leave that idea be.

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