VOL.2 Chapter 9, A sore winner.

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I had ran from the back room where I had just accidentally won the tournament. I Somehow even defeated our unbeaten champion.

But when they had claimed I, as a beginner, was shaming their skill, I felt a harsh wave of defeat wash over me.

Bursting from the backdoor of the store, I dropped myself onto my butt against the wall and let my tears flow freely.

I spent a good time just crying my heart out when a soft, gentle touch on my shoulder drew my attention.

"What?!" I lashed out verbally and found it was Kaylee who sat down next to me.

"S-sorry..." I muttered and she smiled at me.

"It's okay." She said and I did my best to stifle my sobbing, but then she placed an arm around me, pulling me closer.

"It's okay, let them flow Hunny." She said softly and I burst into tears again.

"Why?" I mumbled between my tears, almost choking on the word.

"They don't know your past, Hun. At least, they didn't. I did my best to explain it to them. Not sure if they really accepted the truth. One of the girls seemed a bit baffled when I told them you're a real elf." She told me and I looked up afraid.

"I can understand that." I muttered and threw my arms around her for comfort.

"They didn't mean to hurt you like that Hun, they felt odd about seeing a total newbie so perfectly kick the ass of the unbeaten champion." She said and I caught her mumbling.

"I might have built your deck too much around counters and spells and such."

"You what?!" I exclaimed and looked up at her.

"Hey, I wanted you to enjoy the game with your own deck, so I made one I figured would fit you." She said and pressed the box of cards into my hands again.

"It's yours." She said and I recalled I lacked one thing in the cards that I saw the others play all the time, monsters, or more, creatures.

They were barely in the deck and what was there was built around the massive amount of spells it held.

"Bitch." I muttered and she smiled at me.

"Hey, you had fun, didn't you?" She added.

"Y-yes, I did. But it ended too painfully." I said and she pulled me to my feet.

"Come, they want to apologize as well, that's why I came looking for you, so late that is. I wanted to run after you as soon as I saw you storm from the room, actually." She told me and I nodded.

"Thank you." I muttered and she helped me back into the room where all the participants of this month's tournament sat gathered.

"I think you all have something you wanted to let her know, didn't you?" Kaylee addressed them from right next to me.

She still held my hand and I felt terribly insecure right now.

"We do. Daisia, we're sorry for lashing out like that." Robert spoke and they all nodded along with his statement.

"I-I'm sorry for winning the tournament as well." I replied and he cracked a grin.

"Well, it was fun playing against such a counter and spell heavy deck for once, not many play them. You know what, if you participate in future tournaments as a player instead of a supervisor, I'll gladly let you have this win." He said with a smile and I felt my heart sink.

"B-but I was supposed to lose somewhere along the line..."

my reply was unsure, and he just cracked a smile at me.

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