Chapter 1: Break In

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Kirishima yawned. He was bored out of his mind. There was nothing interesting happening at the moment. Just then, Kaminari cam up to him, "Hey, Kirishima." Kirishima looked at his blond friend, "What is it?" Kaminari smiled, "Wanna go hang out?" Kirishima said, "Sorry, but no. I'm too bored for that." Kaminari said, "But that's exactly why we should go hang out. Look, even Ashido is coming." Ashido walked up to the two boys, "Hey, Kirishima. What do you want to do?" Kirishima thought for a moment before smiling and jumping onto his feet, "I wanna meet the gods of Creation and Heroism." Kaminari and Ashido stared at their friend. They went a grabbed Sero, who they explained the situation to. Sero sighed and looked at Kirishima. The reason that they had brought him into the discussion was because he was suppose to know what to say because he was the god of Friendship. Sero said, "Kirishima, do we need to remind you that the god of Creation and the god of Heroism both live in Az, the world opposite to our own?" Kirishima grinned, "So what? I'll just break into Az through the divided barrier." Kaminari said, "Hold up dude. You seem to be forgetting that entering into Az is completely forbidden. As in illegal to the point that you'll probably be executed, if you're lucky. It's way to dangerous to even think about doing." Kirishima asked, "Well, are you in?" Kaminari said, "Absolutely." Bakugo suddenly walked up to them, "I'm in too. I'm just helping because I heard that it was illegal." Kirishima chuckled at his best friend.

Ashido walked up to the boys holding a magical jar. Kaminari asked, "Did you bring it?" Ashido nodded, "One flame of ultra passionate anger fire from Endeavor, right here.This should be enough to break through the barrier. We need to thank Yaoyorozu for being such good friends with Todoroki. He was able to easily get the flame from his father for us." Sero said, "May I remind everyone here why Un and Az are separated?" Kaminari said, "Come to think of it, I don't know why they're separated." Ashido said, "Me neither." Sero sighed, "Look. The gods of Creation and Destruction decided to create their own worlds for the gods and goddesses to live in. The god of Creation created Az, the dark side, to hide the most powerful and dangerous gods. Meanwhile, the god of Destruction made Un, where he could rule over several other gods and goddesses. There was a deal made between the two gods. They are never to allow anyone to pass through the barrier. They are the only two who use it when they hold their meetings about keeping the universe in order. That's why we aren't even suppose to go near the barrier." Ashido said, "But there's no one here. We've been here for the past ten minutes and no one has even said anything to us." Sero said, "That's because most normal deities know better than to go to Az. The god of Creation made weapons capable of killing immortals of all types and hid them in there. There's no telling who has their hands on one and is waiting to use it." Kirishima said, "Well, I asked the older gods about the god of Creation, but they say that the only person who has ever seen them is the god of Destruction, who doesn't talk to anyone outside his court. So, I'm going to see for myself what they look like." Bakugo said, "Can we get this done already? I don't wanna hang out with you losers one more minute than I have to." Sero sighed as Ashido gave the flame of anger to Bakugo, who in turn, used his powers to increase its intensity and he fired it at the barrier that was used to separate the two worlds of UA. Kirishima immediately jumped through as the barrier began to repair itself. 

Kirishima hit his head as he passed through the gate. As he rubbed the new bump on his head, he looked around in utter awe. There were rocks floating around in the air, with no light shining down on the land, yet everything was clearly visible. Kirishima stood up and began to look around. Suddenly, he heard someone crying. Due to his connection to joy, he felt the upmost urge to help that person. So he ran towards the sound of crying and looked around. He saw someone, who seemed to be the source of the crying. Kirishima reached out to him, "Hey, are you okay?" The stranger turned and Kirishima was met with messy green hair and emerald green eyes.

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