Chapter 11: Aftermath

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In Un, all of the gods were rushing to one of the temples that were built for such events. Every god in the world had been summoned in order to check to see if there had been any casualties from the incident at the Grand Festival. Kirishima and his friends had gone to the temple together to check in. Once they had confirmed that they were safe and sound, they waited outside of the temple for any more announcements. Kaminari asked, "Do you guys have any idea what that monster was?" Sero said, "It's called a woldf manch. I heard about it in legends from the beginning of the universe. Apparently, they were created when the first gods came to exist. I remember reading that there were some gods that didn't like how the Gods of Creation and Destruction ruled the world, so they began to rebel. The woldf manches were created to battle against those rebellious gods and punish them. Woldf manches are able to resist the divine powers of the gods and what's more, they love to eat divine flesh. Even if a woldf manch captures a god and begins eating them, they can't destroy a god's immortality." Ashido cringed, "What does that mean?" Sero said, "It means that they'll continue eating the god's flesh for eternity and the god will remain alive for every moment of it." Kaminari leaped in terror, "What the hell? Why the hell was that thing unleashed?" Sero thought for a moment, "Well, I heard that they were all trapped deep in Az. I have no idea why one was in Un." Kirishima listened to Sero's story in terror. He realized that Omega must have been the one to unleash the monster on the gods of Un. Kirishima thought, 'Why did he send such a dangerous monster to Un, especially during the Grand Festival? It couldn't have just to remind me that I owe him, can it?' Kirishima thought for a moment more, 'Wait, could this have been what Final meant when he said that Omega was going to have fun with me? Don't tell me that this is what the God of Creation considers to be fun? Causing a panic and risking the lives of gods?' Kirishima swallowed his spit when he realized that Omega might end up doing something even worse the next time.

Back in Az, All for One, the God of Destruction was yelling at Omega through a magical telecommunications device that worked between the two worlds, "What in all the worlds were you thinking?!! Sending that beast loose??!? Has old age finally gotten to you?!" Omega let out a small chuckle, "Of course not. As the God of Creation, I am unable to be harmed by such things. For me to weaken means for all reality to weaken." All for One yelled, "Then why did you release that woldf manch on my side during the Grand Festival?!?!? You're lucky that none of the gods got hurt. Or worse." Omega narrowed his eyes, "Oh, so I should apologize? Those inferior beings best remember that I am the only reason why they exist. I am the being of all creation itself, so they owe their existence to me. Besides, you're the God of Destruction, so shouldn't you be grateful for all the destruction I caused." All for One replied, "You caused fear to take root deep within the hearts and minds of many of the gods here. They are afraid of another attack." Omega smiled, "That's exactly what I wanted. There should be no one they fear or respect more than me. That's why I had to punish that insolent little god that dared disrespect me by crossing through the barrier into Az." All for One gasped in shock, "What?! A god passed through the barrier??!! How!?!? Why!?!?! Who!??!? I want that god's name so that I can punish them accordingly!!!" Omega held out a hand, "Don't worry about it old friend. I have a plan to deal with this little insect. Besides, there are things far worse than death."

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