Chapter 4: Going Back

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"Are you absolutely insane?!?!? How can you even ask something like that from us?!?!" Kirishima covered his ears as Yaoyorozu was glaring at him with absolute anger. He had asked Yaoyorozu and the Goddess of Inventions, Mei Hatsume, to help him fix the knife that was able to cut the barrier and allow them to travel to the other side of the worlds. He had expected Yaoyorozu to be angry and then help him, but she was beyond mad at him. She seemed to be even angrier than Endeavor was on a daily basis. He half expected her to start bursting into flames. Hatsume on the other hand, was the exact opposite. She was more than happy to start working on fixing the knife, "Come on!! Give it to me!!!" As Hatsume tried to get to the knife, Yaoyorozu held out her arm and blocked her. Yaoyorozu turned back to Kirishima and said, "Kirishima, you know that we can be executed merely for knowing that that knife even exists in the first place, right?!" Kirishima looked down, "Look, I know that we could get executed. But I have to go back. There's someone I just have to see that lives there! I really want to see him! I have to see him again!!" Yaoyorozu looked at him dead in the eyes. He had the most serious expression on his face that she had ever seen. Yaoyorozu let out a sigh, "Very well. We'll help you Kirishima. But be careful. And if anyone finds out about the knife, we had nothing to do with it." Kirishima smiled brightly, "Understood!!! Thank you!!!" Hatsume lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. She hurriedly grabbed the knife, "All right. Let's get to work!!" 

Meanwhile, in Az, Midoriya woke up after a short nap. He sighed as he continued to think about the god that he met the other day from Un, "Huh. I need to stop thinking about him. That Kirishima. He left a few days ago. He won't be a problem anymore." Midoriya worried about what might happen if the God of Creation found out that a god from the land of Un had managed to come to the land of Az. The consequences were almost too terrible to think about. As Midoriya went to go eat his breakfast, he saw his father, Hisashi Midoriya, the God of Prophecy. Midoriya said, "Good morning father." Hisashi looked at him, "Izuku, what have you been up to?" Izuku asked, "What have I been up to?" Hisashi asked, "Helping law breaking gods?" Izuku said, "No, father." Hisashi asked, "Telling lies, Izuku?" Izuku nervously said, "No, father." Hisashi sighed, "Well, don't worry about whatever it is that you are thinking of too much. If you let your emotions take over, then your powers will go out of control. And we don't want you to be sorrowful anymore." Izuku frowned, "Thank you for the advice father." Hisashi looked away, "It has been a few years since it has happened." Izuku nodded, "Yeah. But I think that I'm finally getting the hang of the power that I was given." Hisashi smiled, "Good, I am pleased. Have a good breakfast. I need to go speak to the God of Creation. Be safe." Hisashi walked away, leaving Izuku to remember the events that led to him gaining the powers that he had. He continued to the kitchen to eat his breakfast. As he prepared his food, Midoriya stared out of the window. From the kitchen, he could see the barrier that was used to separate Un and Az. He asked himself, "I wonder if that Kirishima guy really will try to come back."

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