Chapter 6: The God

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Izuku and Kirishima were taken to a dark castle by the golems. Kirishima was still trying to wiggle out of their grasp, "Dammit, I can't get free. These golems are really tough." Izuku said, "Don't keep struggling. You'll get in even more trouble than you already are."  Kirishima looked up at the castle, "Who the hell even lives in such a gloomy place like this? It gives me the creeps." Izuku turned to him, "The God of Creation lives here with his two attendants. They're his two most trusted confidants." As they entered the castle, Kirishima looked at the halls, "Hey, I know that God. And that Goddess. Whoa, this whole hall is filled with tapestries of Gods and Goddesses!" Izuku said, "Well, this is the castle that one of the ruler of the deities lives in. Of course all the gods and goddesses are shown in the halls. Our tapestries are probably around here somewhere, too." The golems brought the two gods to the throne room. There were three beings waiting there. The first one was a tall male with brown hair and lavender eyes. The second one was a female of medium height with purple haired that ended in green curls and green eyes. The last being was a short male with messy black hair with tiny red streaks in them and black eyes. Kirishima stared at the three of them, "Which one of these are the God of Creation?" Izuku pointed the shorter male, "That one." Kirishima looked at Izuku and to the small male and laughed, "What the hell? That guy can't be the God of Creation! He's too short!" Just as he said that, he was choked on chains. Kirishima tried to remove them from his throat, but found that he was chained to the ground by his arms and legs. The God of Creation stared at the younger God. Izuku gasped when he realized the first God had materialized those chains to punish Kirishima, "Please. My Lord. Please release him." The first God snapped his fingers and the chains disappeared. Kirishima gasped as the chains disappeared. Izuku said, "The God of Creation is known as Omega, the first God. He's the ruler of all the Gods in Az. The woman to his right is Esper, the Goddess of Order. The first goddess to come into existence. She acts as Omega's second retainer. The man to his left is Final, the God of Justice. He is the eighteenth god and acts as Omega's first retainer and right hand man. These three are the rulers of Az." Kirishima stared worriedly at them, "Man, no that I've seen what he's capable of, Omega really scares me." Izuku stared at him, "You should have been afraid of him before he showed his power. Now you've angered him and he'll probably punish you even more horribly than he planned to before." The two of them turned to the three rulers. Final said, "Well, glad that you've begun to realize how deep in trouble you are." Esper said, "Now, it is finally time to pay for your crimes." Omega stared at them, "Well, well, well. It seems that is now time to deliver the punishment that the two of you deserve. Now... what should I do to you two little insignificant Gods?" Kirishima and Izuku began to tremble at the glare of the God of Creation. Omega grinned evilly as he watched the two gods tremble.

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