Chapter 10: Festival Rampage

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Kirishima and the rest of his friends were having fun at the festival. They were in awe of all the sights that the festival brought to their world. It was rare for gods to celebrate anything and even rarer for them to have anything to do with humans. The biggest part of the Grand Festival was to see what had been happening in the human world. Mina begged, "Come on guys. There's new food from the human world. I wanna try them. I wanna try them. Let's go!!" Sero said, "Fine, let's go. We'll meet back up later." Sero waved goodbye to the others as he and Mina ran to the food stalls. Kaminari asked, "Hey, Bakugo. Do you want to look at the new game stands? I heard that they brought new video games from the human world. And I heard that there are some games that can be played while you walk around." Bakugo blushed, "Fine, whatever. I'll go with you, but I'm not paying for anything you want. You need to pay with your own money." Kaminari giggled happily, "Thanks Bakugo. Let's go!!!" With that, Kirishima was left completely alone. Kirishima looked around and saw a cart that was selling something that caught his interest. It was a delicious looking food. Kirishima read that the sign said that it was 'cotton candy.' Kirishima walked to the cart and asked, "One of those 'cotton candies,' please." The god in charge of the cart took his money and gave Kirishima one that was green colored. Kirishima gave his thanks and began walking away. As he looked at the green cotton candy, he thought of how it reminded of him of Izuku. Kirishima smiled at the thought and was about to take a bite out of it when the ground shook a little. A siren went off, blaring in all directions. All of the deities paused, confused about the siren going off. An announcement was made, "Attention everyone. Please evacuate the festival. The festival is under attack. Please leave as soon as possible." Kirishima gasped, "What the hell?! We're under attack?" It was strange to be warned about anything since they were immortal. It might have been the first time there had ever been such an announcement. Soon enough, the ground start shaking again, causing the deities to begin to panic. Kirishima raced to the exit in order to find his friends and make sure that they were all safe. As he was running, he saw what was attacking them. Kirishima's eyes grew to the size of saucers when he saw that it was a woldf manch. It had a body covered in black fur, eight red scaly legs that resembled those of a spider's,  four large black feathered wings, a curly white tail that ended with gray spikes, and a head similar to a dog's but it had four eyes with green irises, a larger snout, and three rows of fangs. Kirishima only knew what it was from the stories he had been told when he was just a young god. The woldf manch were creatures that lived in Az under the command of the god of creation and were resistant towards the powers of gods, meaning that they could hunt them. Even though they hunted gods, they did not pierce through the immortality of a god, meaning that they could keep on killing gods forever and ever. Kirishima even grew more nervous and worried about his friends. He rushed to safety while searching for his friends.

At the same time as the festival was going on, Omega observed the damage that his creature was causing. When he decided it had done enough damage to Un, he opened a portal between the two worlds right under the beast. The woldf manch fell down and back into its cage. Omega closed the portal once it was back in the cage.

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