Chapter 9: Let The Festival Begin

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It had been several weeks since the preparations started. The Grand Festival was about to begin in the worlds of Un and Az. In Un, Kirishima and his friends were putting on their official divine clothes. Once they were all properly dressed, they headed out to have fun in the festival. It was quite a walk, as the festival was held at the castle of the God of Destruction. Most of the festival was held out of the castle while most of the political parts of the festival were inside the castle. Kirishima and his friends walked through the castle gates to the fun part of the Festival. Kirishima looked at the castle worriedly, 'I hope that Omega isn't going to do anything to me during the festival. But what about what Final meant? He said that I was in danger of Omega before I was forced out of Az.' Ashido yelled out, "Hey, Kirishima." Kirishima turned to his friend, "Huh? What?" Ashido flicked his forehead, "Calm down you idiot. It's the Grand Festival. It only happens once every divine cycle." Kirishima smiled at her words, "Thanks Ashido. Guess I really should start enjoying this." Bakugo scoffed, "No shit. It's suppose to be the day that all the gods celebrate. And we helped set up a bunch of these stalls. We deserve to have some fun." Kaminari smiled, "Amen to that brother. We are here to enjoy our existence." Kaminari wrapped his arm around Bakugo and they walked into the festival, the other three gods following soon after.

In Az, Izuku was also getting ready for the Grand Festival. He put on his own divine clothing that was especially made for the Grand Festival. Izuku sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror, "Well, it's time for the Grand Festival once again. We might as well get this over with." The Grand Festival in Az was very different from the Grand Festival in Un. While the Gods of Un celebrated the worlds and the existence of all the life in them. However, in Az, the gods that lived there all went to the castle of the God of Creation to pay tribute to those who had fallen in the years past and all the deaths in all the dimensions, both humans and deities. As Izuku finished getting ready, he walked down the stairs to meet Hisashi and Inko. The three of them were about to leave when Hisashi stopped and his eyes went blank. Inko asked, "Hisashi, what happened?" Hisashi regained his conscious, "I just had a vision." Inko was surprised, "On the day of the Grand Festival? That's not a good sign." Hisashi said, "I am well aware of how dangerous it is. But I saw something odd. It was a catastrophe happening in the world of Un." Izuku gasped in shock, "What? There's something that's going to happen in Un? When? Did you see anyone get hurt?" Hisashi shook his head, "I didn't see much. I felt as if though something was preventing me from seeing the entirety of my vision. But I've never heard of any gods with the power to do that. And that would make no sense. Why would a god want to block my ability to see into the future?" Izuku began to worry as he stared at Omega's castle that loomed in the distance. Omega, sitting in the throne room opened his eyes after he blocked Hisashi's power and went to begin his own preparations for the Festival.

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