Chapter 5: Return

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Kirishima looked at the sword in front of him. It was a mixture of red and black with two red points sticking out of the hilt. It was only about a foot and a half long, but it still looked very impressive. Momo said, "We managed to change the appearance of the sword as a means to prevent it from being recognized, but we can't be sure that the gods from Az are able to recognize some sort of signature on the sword. So be very careful when using it." Hatsume chimed in, "The sword should still be able to cut through the barrier that separates the two worlds, but the opening will only last a few seconds, so be quick when going through. You'll have to make an opening every time that you want to travel to another world. This is your only way out, so make sure not to lose it, or else, if you're caught in Az, all of us will be executed. By the way, it'll only work twice a week. Once to go to Az, once to come back. And it won't store the power if you don't go one week." Kirishima slid his hand gently across the sword's blade before grabbing Momo and Hatsume in a tight hug. Kirishima let them go and said with a bright grin, "Thanks a million you two. I really owe you for this. I promise that I'll make it all up to you someday." Momo gently smiled, Just make sure to be careful when going to Az. We don't want to lose the God of Joy, now do we." Kirishima chuckled before rubbing the back of his neck, "Nah, I guess not. Don't worry. I promise that I'll be very careful. Speaking of which, I better go check this baby out. Later you two." And with that, Kirishima bolted from the laboratory. Momo sighed, "I hope we did the right thing." Hatsume said, "Don't worry about it. If you worry too much, you're emotions will be detected and we'll be found out anyway." Momo frowned, "I'll try my best to remain calm."

Kirishima exhaled as he tightened his grip on the sword. He was standing in front of the barrier. He was ready to go back to Az and find Izuku. Kirishima plunged the sword into the barrier and made an opening. Kirishima chuckled softly as he looked at the small opening, "Guess it works. Better go through quickly though." As soon as he had said that, the opening began to close. Kirishima yelped and jumped in just as it closed. The red haired god looked around and saw the familiar scenery that was Az. Kirishima was ready to jump in joy, but restrained himself so as not to be detected. He looked around, hoping that he would manage to hear Izuku nearby. Suddenly, he felt something grab his arms. Kirishima turned to see two giant golems grabbing him. The golems lifted him up and began taking him away. Kirishima struggled as much as he could to break free, but to no avail. After a few minutes, they approached two other golems holding someone else. Kirishima gasped when he realized who it was, "Izuku!" Izuku turned to Kirishima when he heard his name, "What are you doing here? You weren't suppose to come back. Now the golems are going to take us to the God of Creation." Kirishima frowned with a serious expression on his face, "Then may the gods help us." Izuku frowned, "But we are the gods." Kirishima wore a surprised expression, as if though having forgotten that he was actually a god, "Well, shit."

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