Chapter 7: Punishment

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Kirishima and Izuku trembled in fear as Omega stared at them. The two gods fearful of what the God of Creation might do to them as punishment for breaking the laws of the universe.  Omega paused a moment more before telling them, "Alright. I have made my decision regarding your punishment." Omega smirked as the two quivered even harder. Omega clapped his hand and said, "I shall punish you another day." Izuku and Kirishima dropped their mouths at what the God said to them. They had expected to be executed or torn limb by limb or some other severe and painful cause of death. Now they were being told that they were being punished another day! It didn't make any sense to either god. Omega said, "Final, please take Kirishima back home to his side of the barrier. Make sure that he gets there safely. I don't want him to get hurt before I get the chance to punish him. And while you're at it, please take young Midoriya back to his home.  I don't want him to think of anything like escaping from punishment. Now, off you go. Have a safe trip home." Omega stood up to leave, but stopped and turned back to the two gods, "Oh, and by the way. I advise the two of you not to speak a word of this to anyone. If by chance you do tell anyone of what happened here today, I will be very cross. And considering that I am already planning to punish you while I am simply acting as the ruling god of this land, it would be very ill-advised to make me angry at you. That's all." Omega continued to walk away with Esper walking behind him. Final stepped down from the side of the throne and walked to the two lesser gods. Final said, "Please, follow me." As the three of them left, Esper asked Omega, "Sir, what do you plan to do with those two? It's not like you to merely put off punishing someone." Omega smirked as he opened his observing globe to see the two gods as they went home, "Oh, I just hope to have some fun while playing with those two. It's been oh so long since I've had fun with other gods." Esper frowned as her boss continued to smirk evilly.

After taking Izuku back to his home, Final took Kirishima to the barrier. When they got there, the barrier automatically opened for them. Kirishima asked, "Wait, what happened? I thought that the barrier was closed the whole time except when the gods needed meet with each other in Un." Final said, "That only applies to the other gods, except Master Omega. Naturally, he is the one responsible for this barrier's very existence. As such, he can control when it opens, how long it opens, etc. The tools that are used to pass through are just what he keeps around for other gods to pass through in case of an emergency. That reminds me." Final took Kirishima's knife and put it in his pocket. As Kirishima was walking to the opening in the barrier, Final said, "By the way, be very careful. I've known Omega for countless millennia. It's dangerous when he gets like this. I'm pretty sure that he wants to play with you and Midoriya. That means that you'll be suffering more than you think. Just stay low and you might make it out of this." Kirishima was about to ask for more information when Final pushed him into the other side of the barrier and it closed.

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