Chapter 1

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"Wake up Jessica!", I hear my mother call me out for the fifth time.

 "Ugh. I'm coming! You know I have an alarm to wake me up when I need to be woken up! I don't need you to start screaming at me because my alarm didn't work!", I shout back at her, realizing my alarm has ceased to ring.

"Wait what!? my alarm didn't work? Freaking great! I'm late for school on the first day!? Oh wait, of course I am. why wouldn't I be?" I scream extremely loud, before getting up and dressing in my new perfectly ironed lilac dress with lots of colorful flowers at the very bottom of it until my mum starts giggling and says, "I'm just kidding! You can go back to bed, it's 3:00 in the morning. You just forgot to set your alarm so I woke you up to teach you a lesson."

 The weirdest thing is that my mum doesn't like jokes or anything related to it, yet she has just done one on me? She might have had an alcoholic drink even though she doesn't usually drink it either? but she does seem very drunk.

Before I can call her out on having wine on a school night or might I say the MORNING of my FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL she harshly interrupts me by  saying "Now go check your alarm and make sure it's actually set before you go back to bed!" making me rethink about her having alcohol because she now has the regular behavior she normally has towards me. What is going on with my mum this morning?

. . . .

I finally wake up at 5:15 which is earlier then when I'm supposed to wake up. Even though I don't even really need to wake up at my normal time because I live quite close to my school , but my mother being the controlling organise freak that she is has to make sure I've got everything I need for today , but I guess I shouldn't call her that because I can be a controlling organise freak too.............only because it rubbed off on me though. When I get dressed I have a feeling my mother must have heard me because as soon as I was done getting ready breakfast was already on the table when I got into the kitchen.

"Well , well , well look who's up early!" she says in a proudly exited tone meaning like she's proud I actually got up earlier than I do normally , as much as I found it annoying and wanted to roll my eyes at her I didn't and just did my best fake smile at her. She found my smile believable and passed the fruit to me. I tell her I need to go to my room so she dismisses me from the table and I head up to my room to just check my phone to see if there are any messages from Olivia on it.

Nope , no messages. As I Finally put my phone down to put it back on charge from waiting for Olivia to wake up and text me I get a message from the school saying students must come to school at 7:30 due to a meeting change. "Yes! , OMG!" I Scream so loud my mum tells me to shut up and ask what I was screaming about. "I'm going to school at 7:30 because of all the teacher's meetings are getting swapped around" I tell her walking out of my room "How exciting!" she squeals with joy , "Mother that means I get to come home at 2:15 and then I can finish reading my favourite book and maybe even do another drawing to hang on the wall!" I say pleased " can't because there will be some plumbers at the can ask um....Olivia if you can stay over at her house till 4:00 because you don't want to be at the house where there's plumbers walking around do you?" she says suspiciously "Uh.....yeah sure but can I take some of my pencils and paper and maybe a book in my bag for when I go there?" I ask sadly but also happily because I will get to see Olivia for longer then just at school "Um....yes! of course sweetie" she says hesitantly. "Let me just ring up.........Olivia's mother" She says just as hesitantly as before with a fake smile that she failed to make me believe was real.

My Mother has just finished the call to Olivia's Mother and my Mother happily says "yes , you are going home with Olivia and staying with her till 4:00"

I finally finished organising things in my bag and head out the door after giving my Mother a warm hug to find Olivia standing at the front door for me. Before walking with Olivia to school we do our special secret handshake that as much as we do it in front of people they won't remember because it's complicated and only Genius's can remember and do the handshake like Olivia and I.

On the way walking to school Olivia and I sing the song we made up when we were little girls in kindergarten called we are growing , and yes even though we're 14 and 14 year olds don't sing songs they made up in kindergarten with there best friends on the way to school , Olivia and I do. "We are growing and growing every day , we may get in fights but we always see a light THAT SPARKS TO BE OUR FRIENDSHIP!!!" We scream and giggle at the same time knowing that we must have not been growing up if we are still singing that song. We sing it over and over again till we arrive at school "The school seems a lot bigger than it was last year" Olivia whispers in my ear so no one knew that she was a bit intimidated by the size of the school. I nod in a agreement while feeling just as intimidated as the school is to Olivia and she could tell by my face so she gave me a big warm hug and we headed into the large building known as Wilson Newcastle High school....................

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Teaser : Harry and Jessica gets paired up for a project!

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