Chapter 3

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Soon the next two periods got over. They were merely the same, except that fact that this time, Harry wasn't next to me. I found it strange or rather weird I don't know, as Harry kept staring at me the whole two periods.

Finally it was Interval. I went to the canteen to find an angry Olivia sitting there all alone, her arms crossed and kind of sad, I don't know why?, as she is always the one smiling.

I walk towards her to find the reason for her sadness. Before I could do that, she sees me coming towards her, and takes her bag and runs out of the canteen Area.

I follow her towards her locker till I see Olivia kissing him, Chandler, my crush. She knew that he
was my crush, but then?

As soon as I see them kissing, I walk towards her and say "I do so much for you, and you do this to me? If it's about Harry, I didn't even ask him to sit near me, and while he was sitting next to me I was fucking cussing at him for doing that. If you were wondering about why were we laughing, it was nothing serious, he was laughing about my clothes, and I was laughing because he was tickling me, I fucking hate you, don't dare talk to me now!". Soon after saying this, I walk back. I didn't wait for her to say anything, but could not help the tears forming on the way.I heard her calling my name but ignored it.

On my way to the canteen,Harry saw me crying.

I just ignored him staring at me from his brown chair on the left corner. And I went to sit at my regular black chair on right.

I'm so grateful,i sat on the right.So,nobody not even Harry can see me now.

Ah,my luck, i saw Harry coming towards me, and my face was still moist with newly formed tears,and puffy eyes.

He came to my desk,sat next to me.For some seconds,he didn't seem to make any movement.

But as he saw more new tears forming,he patted his hand to my back and said, 'Hey,you crying?'

I didn't reply.

'Hm?' he repeated.

'Why are you showing like you are Mr.Nice,although you aren't. I know ,you are one of the others who fucking plays with other girl,just please stop,and leave me alone'

He didn't reply,he remained silent.But he didn't go too.

Now i took my turn.I stood up,took my bag and headed towards the class,even though it was still Interval.

I start moving,but suddenly stopped near the washroom,seeing that he is following me.

I turned back and said
'Leave me the fuck alone,Ha -'
I was gonna say,but was cut off when I saw that it was Louis.

'Oh,hey Louis' I greeted.

'Hey,um' He said.

'You want to tell me something?' I asked.

'You know,we have been paired for the physics assignment together.And if I'm being honest,we don't really talk to Harry,so me,Zayn,Liam and Niall decided Liam's home for this purpose,only if Harry and you agreed' he says calmly.Oh,so he wants me to ask Harry.

'Uhm,Cool' I said,reacting as if i don't understand what he said.

'You need to ask from Harry' he says.

'What,I'll never ask Har -' .I was gonna say but was cut off by Harry asking :

'W-Wh- What you don't want to ask me?'

'Nothing' I said.Harry's eyes then moved to Louis when he whispered 'Tell him'.

I calmed down myself and told 'Ok,so for physics project,we we need to come in one's home for discussion.So,Louis asked me to ask you where would you want to come for that Liam's place or yours. And one thing more,Louis is very scared of you.' I spilled.

Harry smirked at that statement and Louis gave me a 'what the hell' look. While i just laughed inside.

'So??' I asked Harry.

'My home' he replied.

'Cool' I said.

As soon as I said that ,Louis whispered to me again 'We don't know his address'.

'Come on Louis,why are you scared of this jerk?He's no more than a cockroach.And what do you see in him ,that you find this jerk scared?'
I yelled.

Harry smirked again,and the look on Louis's face was unremarkable, as if he's going to kill me.

Well,he wasn't going to kill me,but ran after me.I first hid at Harry's back.But Harry being a jerk laughed and kicked me to go somewhere else.And I being one more than him,didn't move and continued hiding at his back,until Olivia came.And at that correct moment, I went to canteen, Louis chasing me around and I laughing like loads of laughing gas has been pumped inside me.

'Good luck,Harry' I thought to myself.

After running from Harry,i went to canteen,to hide at Liam's Back,then Niall's, when Louis finally caught me and tickeled me to death.

'Stop,please' I said laughing.

He continued his tickling job until Harry came and freed me out of Louis's grasp.

'Why are you here?', I asked taking him to a corner,while Louis was telling our group members to meet at Harry's.

'I came here to tell you to come at 7P.M.,ill text you my address.Give me your phone number,now' .He said and took his phone out,unlocked him and waited for me to write my number.

I took his phone,wrote my number and saw Olivia ,staring at us.

I was about to go,but Harry grabed my arm and said : ' I speak to you,doesn't mean,you'll send your friends to talk to me. Your friend,what was her name Olive, proposed me,huh?'
He spoke.

'She isn't my best friend now,well what did you do to her proposal?' I asked,he smirked again and replied : 'Of course,I said no.Do i seem that type of guy who likes this types of girl,and especially when you never meet her'
After saying,he smirked again.

'God,why do you have to smirk again and again' .As soon as i said this,we both started laughing.I could hint a smell of jealousy coming from somewhere,maybe Olivia.

'Well see you later,Jessy' .He said and left the canteen.

Before i can say something, Louis called me.

'Hey,did he tell you his address?' .He asked.

'No,he'll text it' .I replied.

'Oh,ok.By the way you are being very friendly to that type of guy.Just be careful,ok?I don't want you to get hurt' Louis spoke.

Woah,i didn't expect this.

(I hope you guys,like it!Please vote and comment.I love you all! xo!!!)

Teaser : Jessica and Harry hug each other. :)

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