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The waitress fake coughed and directed our attention towards us.

"Excuse me,ma'am.The guy over there was willing to give you this" She said  pointing to the guy at the door with a black hoodie on.She fakesmiled and handed me the  brown coloured envelope.

I muttered a quick thanks and returned her smile back.

"What's this?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"Open it" she said motioning towards the brown envelope. I nodded tearing the envelope through its end.

I poured the things from inside the envelope onto the table.

There was a photo of us,Rachel and me kissing along with a note.

We looked at each other,before she opened the note and started reading it.

Hello Jessica,

I know you don't know who I am.But trust me you know,very well.You may be wondering what's this photo of you kissing Rachel doing here?But don't you worry my Jessica, you'll very soon find the answers to all your questions.

I heard Harry was your boyfriend? Does he know about This, you kissing Rachel,does he?What do you think will happen once he sees this picture.And most important what will happen if the whole school along with your mum,dad and Jack sees this? I have a copy of the picture I just sent you.But I have a confusion, should i post the picture on school notice board or???Keep it to myself and ruin the picture,but on one condition. What do you think?

If it's the second option let's make a deal.You tell Harry you kissed Rachel or it'll be leaked and whole school will see it.The decision is in your hands and you have 24 hours to make a decision.

If you make a decision and stand to it,you'll be safe.If your decision is wrong,you'll know what'll happen,don't you?

Good luck,taking a decision.

Your secret admirer xx

"Oh my god!" I said once I finished reading the letter.

"What are you going to do now?" Rachel asked looking towards me.

"I can't let that photo leak." She nodded.

"I think I'll have to talk to Harry.Can I get your phone Rachel?" I continued.

She handed me her black blackberry phone.

"Thanks" I said and dialed Harry's number.

After a few ring,he picks up.

"Hello?" He said.

"Um,Hey." I sighed,clearing my throat.

"Oh,you!I'm sorry"

"I need to talk to you." I stated.

"Ok?Where?" He said,more of asked.

"Somewhere private"

"How about my place?My mum Dad aren't home today."

"Ok,be there at five." I hung up not giving chance for him to say.

"Rachel,did you use a car coming here?" I said,hander her the phone.

"Yep" she nodded.

"Can I get a drive?"

"At Harry's?Sure." She nodded.

"Thanks" I said walking towards her car.

I thrust open the passenger door and slid in to sit onto the seat.Rachel did the same.

She dived the key into the keyhole and the engine burst into life.

I slided my head onto the window,only one thing in my mind.What will he say once he sees this.

Rachel may know what I must be thinking that she placed her hand onto my thighs muttering "I'm sorry,I'm there with you,no matter what"

And soon Harry's house came into view.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Rachel asked.

"No" I shake my head.She leaves our hands and leaves a small Peck on my lips.

I smile before leaving.

I walk up to Harry's door,ringing the doorbell.

I was expecting to see Harry there,but instead her sister,who I think is Gemma opens the door.

"Hi" she says pulling me in from a hug.I hug back .

"Where's Harry?" I ask.

"He's upstairs" she said pointing towars the stairs.

"Did you and Harry had a fight?He didn't sleep for days?" She asks.

"Uh,kind of. " I said and dragged myself up the stairs to his room,not wanting to talk more about that topic.

I knock lightly waiting for a reply and after a while his bare chest comes into view.

"Hi" I said.

" Hey" he replied,rubbing the back of his neck.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Of course,you can" he said motioning me to come inside And so I did.

He sat on the bed,motioning for me to come. I did that too.

"You wanted to talk?" He asks.


"What is it?"

"Promise me something first!"

"Depends" he said,a somewhat worried look emerging onto his beautiful face.

"Ok...... So,don't be mad,i---" I said.

"I kissed Rachel." I answered and as soon as I did,Harry fell back onto the wall.

"You w-what?"

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