Chapter 7

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As we finally reach the activity room I notice that Harry rushed to the furthest table away from everyone else including the teacher.

Sometimes I don't understand him, like why would you pick the furthest away table? like you will probably not gonna hear a word of what the teacher is saying from over all the talking and planning of all the other groups.

Anyways I sat right near the front of our table so I could at least hear a little of what the teacher is saying.

The rest of the boys finally spot the table Harry and I are sitting at. Niall starts running over to our table like some four year old saw a giant ice cream tower and wants to eat it all.........I must be the Ice cream tower because he sits right next to me followed by Louis, Zayn and Liam.

Harry stares at me confused, It takes me a few seconds to realise that he looks like he doesn't know what to do. I get out of my chair as soon as the teacher stops talking and tells everyone to begin planning their models, I walk over to Harry and sit in the chair next to him.

"You don't know what the hell the teacher said, do you?" I ask him already knowing the answer. "No, not exactly.......okay I couldn't hear a word of what she was saying!" I nod surprisingly with a small smile.

Why the hell would I be smiling the day my boyfriend broke up with me?.........well he's not my boyfriend anymore. It's Harry that's making me smile? out of all the people in the world Harry is not the person I imagined smiling at the day I get dumped by Luke....well I never imagined I'd be getting dumped by Luke.

Harry finally sighs and says "Could you please tell me what the teacher said?", "of course" I say still smiling at Harry.

What the hell is wrong with me?

The way I'm smiling at Harry I wouldn't be surprised if I look like some serial killer

After telling Harry what we had to do and planning how we will make our model with the other boys, we pack up our pencils and all six of us put one piece of paper each in our bags of our model plan and head to where we have lunch.

As I look in the lunch Area all the tables are full except for one so the five boys lead me to a table.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

As we get closer I notice there are people sitting at the table but the table is not full so we can still fit there instead of sitting on the dirty floor.

The people sitting at the table I seem to recognise............there is Olivia, Holly, Chandler and...........................Luke?


Harry finally takes a seat at the table followed by Niall and Zayn but Louis, Liam and I just stand there.

Liam and Louis must already somehow know about my break up with Luke so they quietly say "Would you like to sit on the floor instead?". with a forced smile and I nod.

Even though the floor is dirty I would much rather sit on the floor than at that table, so I begin to walk away with Louis and Liam but am stopped by some ones hand around my wrist.

I look up to see those soulful, dark, deep, but stunning, lushes green eyes.

Harry looks up at Louis and Liam then back down at me. "Please sit with me, why won't you sit with me, are you upset?" his hot breath touches my skin at my neck, running chills down my back.

I stare at eyes then down to his lips and back up to eyes "I can't go over there" I whisper so only he can hear.

"Why?" he looks worried and upset, "I just can't.........Olivia is my ex best friend, Holly is my enemy because she bullies me, Chandler was my crush..........obviously not anymore and..........Luke was my......" streams of tears start coming down my face making my eyes puffy, face red and cheeks moist " boyfriend!"    

I have completely lost it, there is literally no way I am going over there.

Niall and Zayn stand up to come over to me, all four boys walk with me while harry tries to wipe my cheeks at the same time.

Liam asks the teachers if we can go out side to the playground, and she says yes so we all rush over to the trees which is literally where no one goes so we just sit around a tree while Liam, Louis,  Zayn and Niall start talking about how annoying some of the teachers are at our school while harry finishes wiping the tears from my red, puffy face.

"Beautiful as always" Harry leans over and whispers into my ear with a smile.

Beautiful? did he really just..........oh my god!

Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it! ily! <3


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