Chapter 2

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As Olivia and I step inside the building we nervously make our way to the school hall while having 3 obvious gossip like girls walk behind us making me feel very uncomfortable and I can tell Olivia is uncomfortable as well.

Olivia and I awkwardly walk into the hall but luckily there are not many students in the hall so we must be early.

We both take a seat next to each other and watch as the hall is getting filled with tired students obviously not happy that they had to come to school this early.

As soon as all the students arrive in the hall a teacher calls out names and tells us to go to the teacher she calls out to follow to our first class. There are 7 teachers and of course Olivia and I aren't in the same group which I'm very annoyed about but at least I meet a nice girl Rachel. I can't help but recognise Rachel's face from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it.

I follow my Teacher Mr Anderson to the geography room , Rachel tells me that she hates geography and I can't help but smile because Olivia doesn't like geography either.

We walk into the classroom and I was planning on sitting next to Rachel but she's sitting with a girl..........a girl I really dislike.


Ugh that's where I know Rachel from she's a friend of my enemy..........ugh...but Rachel is at least nice to me when Holly is a full on spoiled little brat!

I find my self sitting next to a boy. "'s your name?" I ask the blond boy next to me "Niall" he says with a smile and an accent I'm not familiar with , "where are you from?" I ask 'Niall' very interested in his accent "I'm from Ireland , I'm Irish" he says while laughing , a laugh that is very cute and contagious that I find myself laughing.

Finally the class is quiet and I sit there smiling but suddenly Mr Anderson points at me and I freeze "Stand up" he tells me , and I can't help but say "what did I do?" out of the blue as I stand up I hear a voice say "nothing nerd!" from a dark brown , curly haired boy sitting right at the back of the room"Quiet! Harry leave the poor girl alone" Mr Anderson demands. 'Harry' rolls his eyes at the teacher and I now really dislike this boy 'Harry'.

Mr Anderson finally speaks to me and says "you look like a very responsible girl so I would really appreciate if you could please sit next to Harry for this lesson please" he asks kindly so I nod and get my stuff from the desk I was in before to move desk to sit next to Harry.

"Well I would really appreciate if you did not sit next to me cause I'm not a freaking baby!" he screams at me making me flinch and drop my books. "Well your acting like one now" I say under my breath Niall hears me and smiles at me and mouths "naughty Jessy" I smile but then remember I didn't even tell him my name yet he still knows it and I mouth "How do you know my name?" he mouths back to me with a smile "I'll tell you later"

While Mr Anderson is getting up Harry for making me flinch and drop my books I say in a clear and meaningful voice "Sorry about that Mr Anderson" He smiles and says "thankyou for your apology even though you didn't need to , now please take a seat"

I eventually finish gathering my books from the floor after Niall helps me as well as his other friend that was late named 'Louis', I thank both of them about one thousand times and they both say our pleasure.

Hahahahaha which I found incredibly adorable

I sit next to Harry the whole time quite while he keeps making rude comments saying I'm a nerd , I have no fashion sense and that you know I'm stuck up and obnoxious which I found very offensive.

After geography Niall and Louis walk beside me to the second period which is physics because they notice Harry trying to approach me.

 probably trying to make fun of me again :/

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