Chapter 12

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I was finally home after spending two long hours in school and then five extra long hours at Lou's house.

Just one difference,we ate more than working for the project at Lou's house and at school we had to be silent.

Harry was suprisingly good today,even with Louis,Liam,Niall and Zayn.

And finally about half of our project was completed.

It was time for my bath,so i grabbed my towel,undies,short shorts and white tank top.

I went inide the bathroom,turning on the geyser and opening the tap.

Now,hot water started pouring down my mouth passing my shoulders,legs and then going off into the small hole,taking all my tensions away with it.

After having a bath,i wore my usual black undies,my black tank top and white short shorts.

After changing,as i came out of the bathroom,in my room i noticed the buzzing sound of my gold i phone.

It was Olivia!Should i answer her?She said she was on my side now,but was she?I saw her with Holly,Luke and Chandler today.If she is really my friend,then?

I finally answered her call.

"Hey"she greeted.

"Why did you call me?" i said,more like yelled harshly.

"Woah,calm down sis.Im not gonna kill you,know?"she said.

"Ok,im calm now.Just tell me what you want?"

"Nothing.Just missing you!"

"Woah!" i said.

"Wanna hang out?"she said.I bit my lip although she couldn't see me.

"Uh" i mumbled.

"Please,we haven't been spending time together for like ages.Please?I miss you."

"Ok,but where?"

"A school party.Harry is gonna come too with his friends.Comm'on now be ready at 7.Im gonna pick you up.Bye!"

I nodded and hung up.Harry is going too?He didn't tell me,did he?

I will have to change again now.I can't wear this go to party,right.

So i opened my closet again and took my black crop top with "Im not weird im a limited edition" imprinted on it along my blue highwaisted shorts.

It was actually kind of strange,her inviting me to a party for no reason and besides that what can i say suddenly?

I decided to put on a little masscarra along with nude lip gloss.

And as I was done with it,I received a text stating 'Hey,ready?Come,I'm downstairs!I have guests with me,hope you don't mind :)'

I read the message and sprayed my  burberry perfume before walking downstairs ,tagging my phone and my little purse along with me.

"Bye mom,I'm gonna be back soon!" I shouted to mom.

"Bye sweetie,have fun!" She shouted back.

As soon as I opened the entrance door and went outside. I noticed tiny droplets of water falling onto my hair.
I didn't even bring an umbrella.Damn,why does this happen to me always?

Ok,so as expected I found a white Ford Classic parked in the driveway.

I made my way towards her car.

"So ,these are your guests?" I asked backing up,shocked how can she bring Holly and Chandler after what happened.

"Uh,yeah.And they want to say something to you!" Olivia said making a strange face.

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