Chapter 9

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A week has passed since Harry asked me to go to the ball with him.I agreed.

It was Thursday, and Harry as usual was with me during lunch.We were just talking casually until Louis bought up that topic and Harry asked me out.

He mainly asked me out to show Luke that we are dating,but in reality we aren't. Fake dating kind of,just to make Luke jealous.So he asked me out,and i agreed.

Harry was extremely sweet to me the next few days too,including the four boys.

And finally its Wednesday, the day of ball.Its 18:10 pm and i just have 50 more minutes to get ready.

I did my first task.I opened my almirah and fought revolts with my brain of what to wear.

Finally i decided to change into a white above knee dress with beautifully decorated pearls on it.

After changing,i decided to do a little makeup.

First i applied lotion all over my body,followed by my foundation cream.After applying my foundation cream i just added a bit of light pink blush and eyeshadow to my face.And last but not the least mascara and lip gloss.

And finally it was 18: 55pm.

I was just about to go down,when my phone buzzed; informing me i got a new text message.It was from Harry,

Harry : Waiting for you downstairs ,beautiful!💕

Did he again just called me beautiful!? Does he like me?

Without wasting a single second,I made my way down States.hugging and kissing my mom,before making my way towards Harry's car.

"Bye,mom!" I said and hurried out.Although I heard her saying , "Don't be late!"

I rolled my eyes although I know that she couldn't see me.

I made my way towards Harry's car.

"Hey" I greeted while making my way towards the passenger seat.

"You look beautiful" Harry complimented.

Harry was wearing a white button-up shirt with black skinny jeans and white sneakers.

"You look handsome, H" I said.Harry smirked before his lips turned into a wide smile showcasing his cute big dimples.

"You have dimples." I said before poking my fingers on his big cute dimples.We started laughing like Maddies.

Then he inserted the car key inside his huge Ford Classic,igniting the diesel in his car causing the car to move.

I slid the volume button up,making the music of the f.m. loud.

"Hey,it's Justin Bieber!!!!!" I said fangirling his voice.

Justin Bieber's Favorite Girl was coming.I started singing along with the FM.

" Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah oh
Ah ah ah ah
I always knew you were the best
The coolest girl I know
So prettier than all the rest
The star of my show
So many times I wished you'd be the one for me
I never knew it'd get like this, girl, what you do to me
You're who I'm thinking of 
Girl, you ain't my runner-up
And no matter what you're always number one

My prized possession -" I was singing along but Harry cut me off.

"How do you like listening to such jerks?Just stop" He said.

"You may not like him.But I love him.So don't interrupt me." I said raising the volume of the FM.

The song continued leaving the part where Harry turned of the volume.

Direction h.s. ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now