Chapter 20

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Let go

''Jungkook's parents are dead.''

It was like a strong feeling. More like a wind that went over my head. Something that often happens in one class when I don't understand. The theory goes to my ear but immediately comes out from the other. Something I couldn't get and something that made me cry.

In this case, what Jimin said made me freeze in one place. Usually, the person's mouth is hanging low, but mine is shut. Shut like a little kid who was told to be quiet. Nothing came out. I felt like I couldn't even breathe at the moment. I was suffocating from the inside out.

My eyes were looking at his, making sure what he just said was true and not some prank on me. But there wasn't anything in Jimin's eyes. Total emptiness and sadness. It'd be a part of him as if his parents were dead.

''What?'' That was the only thing I managed to escape from my mouth. Millions of thoughts were going in a circle in my mind. Everything has happened between Jungkook and me. Every little thing was there.

''I... '' I tried, but for nothing.

''Did this happen yesterday? Or way before you and I became friends?'' Jimin asked, probably referring to what I told him now about the fight.

''Yes, I have never fought with him like this. I have never mentioned his parents to him,'' I said.

Jimin nodded his head sadly. ''That would explain his behavior,'' he said. I agree. It was a shock to him. Me, yelling at him about people who don't even exist anymore. I feel bad. If Jimin wouldn't be here, I could cry my eyes out.

Right now, I want to find, hug him, say I'm there for him, and also apologize. That's what I need to do. But will he hear me? Or is he going to ignore me again like he did last year?

''Jimin, could you tell me about him?'' I asked. Unlike I thought, he shook his head.

''That's something he has to tell. Something he needs to explain himself. No outsider can tell it. I could, but I don't want to. I know he doesn't want people to go and talk about his life. Why is he like this? I know, and partly, you know as well. But you can't ask me this. Ask him.'' Jimin told.

I understand. I'm glad Jungkook has friends like this. Even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it. The way they treat each other is so different than with girls. But they care about each other, and I can see it. You don't have to say that you care. It comes from actions.

Now, the fight between us seems nothing to me anymore. It's my fault. It was never Jungkook's. Maybe he was scared of loving someone because he was scared to lose that.

I came from meeting Jimin back home. I tried to knock on Jungkook's door, but the door never opened. The apartment was dark. He might not be home, or he is, but he doesn't want to open the door for me. I deserve that.

I will try to talk to him tomorrow at school. If he will let me.

I was up early, ready to leave and find him. I barely slept when thinking about the whole situation. I kept blaming myself even though I had no idea about his past. And it's normal. Not everyone has to know about his family and what happened to them. It's between them and him.

And I'm sure it's something he doesn't want to tell all of the girls. And it seems he hasn't. He just broke up with them without explaining why.

And I think that the same goes for me. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I'm sure Jungkook is scared.

When I arrived at school, I tried to look for him. He should be here somewhere because we almost have the same schedule. And I see his friends standing there. Maybe I should ask Jimin if they have seen him. I'm sure they have.

I awkwardly walked to them, knowing they would make me go away, but I tried to be confident, and I knew Jimin wouldn't send me away.

''Oh, did you change your mind about me?'' Yoongi smirked as he saw me approaching. It made everyone else turn their heads towards me as well. And Jimin also turned.

''Oh Y/n, did you have something?'' He asked smiling sweetly unlike others.

''Have you seen Jungkook?'' I asked. Jimin got the idea, but others didn't.

''Again? The last time you opened your mouth to me was when you asked the same thing. You still haven't found him?'' Yoongi scoffed.

I felt so tiny under his deathful gaze, but Jimin stepped between us. ''Ignore him. No, I haven't. We were talking about him. None of us have seen him,'' Jimin said.

The last time I searched for him and found him, he was with that girl, and I prayed it wasn't the same case. The class starts any minute now, and he isn't here. Maybe I need to give up.

The class was over, but he didn't attend. Now, I was getting worried.

''Y/n!'' I heard someone yelling, and I turned to Jimin running towards me with the phone in his hand. He was panthing hard like he had run a mile.

He took a few breaths before saying something. ''Jungkook... he. I don't know, but he this to our group chat,'' Jimin said and handed the phone to me. I read what he was saying.

''I'm sorry, but my fate is to disappear like my parents. I don't belong here. I need to let go.''

''You don't think he will?''

Jimin asked, but I was long gone, running towards the only place I could figure into my head.

I ran up through the stairs, hearing how Jimin tried to catch up to me, but I was too focused on climbing these damn stairs. My heart was beating rapidly, but that didn't stop me from running.

I opened the door, and the sight in front of me was something I didn't want to see.

''Jungkook no!''

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