4 - Customer

21 4 0

"Hero's sword! Who wants the legendary hero's sword!? The price is only 150 000 grisils! If you're the hero, come get it!"

So in the end, I'm selling the sword. What other choice do I have!? I'm currently in the capital. It's the best place to find the hero! It's where there are the most people, so it's statistically here that I have the best chance at finding him!

"Excuse me, fine Sir?"

There's a customer!

"Yes? Do you wish to buy this sword?"

"Well, I am interested, but I at least want to check the legitimacy of this item."

"Yes! As you wish!"

He starts checking it. When I think about it, that person definitely doesn't feel like a hero... What I mean by this is that this guy looks 50 and has a mustache with the freaking sides pinched up! After checking for a while, he turns back to talk to me:

"It... is indeed the legendary hero's holy sword!"

Suddenly, we hear a lot of chattering in the background. It is quite the big deal, isn't it? He resumes:

"What is your name, Mister?"

"Selph. My name is Selph."

"Alright, Mister Selph. I would like, before all, to tell you that even though we are extremely thankful of you to have brought back something like this here, however, I don't think a simple villager would be able to get his hands on something of this value with legal means. That is why, with the power given to me as a protector of this city, I will have to arrest you under the suspicion of theft against a higher power. For this, we will be confiscating this sword from you."

Well that didn't go well...

How trying to sell a legendary hero's sword led me to battle the Demon LordWhere stories live. Discover now