12 - Hero!?

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"Become the hero."

The king's voice, already piercing, couldn't prepare me for those words. How could I become the hero!? I stayed there, silent, not knowing how to react. Then suddenly, the king just left the room, leaving everyone there stunned by the words he had just uttered.

The guard from earlier stood up and guided me out of here. When he opened the gigantic door leading to the outside, I got blinded for a second. When I opened my eyes again, I saw stairs going down for maybe 100 meters and at the end of those stairs, a golden gate.

We started going down the stairs and I realized that there were maybe 400 guards simply standing there, guarding them. They were holding long white guns with golden stripes that looked kind of like spears going down them.

We finally arrived down the stairs and two guards went to the gate to open it for us. Not one sound came from the gate as it opened. The guard that was guiding me started going through it and I followed him.

After passing the gate, I looked around me. We were in the high noble district. That meant that we were in a place where only a small percentage of nobles were allowed to set foot in. If you're a commoner, don't even think about coming here or you'll get shot on sight. That said, me being here is extremely unusual and awkward and I would rather be out of here as fast as possible...

We stopped walking in front of an inn, it seemed. I don't know why there is even an inn here as almost literally no one can come here... What's the need?

We entered the inn and were greeted by a weird guy with black hair and glasses. He was wearing black clothes and seemed nervous. When we entered, he bowed down and tried to say "Welcome, dear costumers!", or at least, I think so, because it sounded more like "Velcoom deahr cowstomar.".

What the fuck was that!? At first, I thought that maybe this wasn't his native language and he was only just beginning to learn it, but then, he started talking normally. I say that, but he was just muttering to himself... if that's considered normal to you...

The guard reserved a room for me, then he left. The weird guy from earlier guided me to my room. I think, during that time, he was trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hear him as he wasn't loud enough...

And so, we arrived at my room. It was extremely spacious. I felt like it was as big as my whole village. I looked around and found my bed. I immediately flopped on it. I honestly don't know what that word is, but I think it pretty much explains what I did... It had been so long since I slept on a comfy bed. And comfy, that it was! It looked like a cloud, felt like a cloud and even smelled like a cloud! I say that but I don't even know what a cloud smells like! Or even if it smells at all!

I closed my eyes. I've never felt so comfortable in my whole life! I think I'm going to fall asleep sooooooooon-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzZzzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzZzz

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