13 - Waking up, bowing down, gearing up, wedding gown

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I slept well that night in the inn. The next day, when I woke up, for a second, I didn't remember where I was. When I did, for some reason, I felt even more confused. I was confused as to why everything happened the way it did. Why am I suddenly a hero after getting out of prison? Why was I sent to this inn in the most prestigious part of the kingdom? (A/N: Bad writing)

Then, I realized that something had been left on a desk by the side of my bed. It was a small brown bag that was maybe the size of my head. Besides it, there was a note. I decided to read the note first before looking at what was inside that bag. The note read thus:

"Hello Hero!
I hope you have enjoyed your stay at this prestigious inn. I would like for you to come meet me at the castle in the audience room like last time. I have some important things to inform you of. So please! Come see me. I'll be waiting. Inside this bag that I gave you, you'll find a key. If you use this key and open any door, you'll come straight to the audience hall. Also, all that you find in this bag is a gift from me. I think they could be useful to you in the future. Also, this bag has infinite storage space. You can put whatever you want in it except living things. OK! We'll see you in the audience hall! Don't be too late.
—The King"

All this!? Mine!? This is way too convenient... There must be an ulterior motive... Oh yeah... Right... They want me to become the hero... That's why they're treating me this way... I feel like I'm not worth the treatment... I haven't done anything, moreover, I'm just a simple villager, not an actual hero...

Then, I looked at the bag again. I'm not going to go through this again... I'll just... open it and that's it! I just want to see what's inside... Also, I need the key...

I put the bag's contents on the desk. There were multiple things that came out of it. First, the key, like the king said in his letter. Then, a potion. I don't know what it does, though... After that, there was a necklace with a greenish-blue stone attached to it. I don't know how this could be helpful in any way, but I'll take it. And finally, there was a small black rectangular plate. What was that? I had never seen something like that in my life... This must be some kind of extraordinary magic item that only me, the hero, could have... right?

Anyways, I put everything back in the bag, except the key and the plate. I put the plate in my pocket and went to the door. I took the key. There was a keyhole in the door. I inserted the key in the keyhole and turned it. Suddenly, the door opened. A bright light blinded me for a second. About those bright lights... Just... pause for a second. What do they have in this world with bright lights every time you open a goddamn door!?

Anyways... I walked forwards and found myself in the audience hall again. The king was sitting in his throne, talking to the prince. When he realized I was there, he said:

"Ah! Welcome again, Hero! Glad you could come."

I bowed.

"No need to bow! Raise your head, please! You're the Hero who will save our kingdom!"

I unbowed...

"Now! We needed to give you your mission and equipment!"

I listened.

"First of all, please come forwards."

I advanced, then stopped.

"Closer, please..."

I advanced, then stopped.

"Umm... Closer, please... You're still about 10 meters away... I need to give you your equipment..."

I, at last, reached the king.

"Good! Now! Let Us give you your equipment. First of all, you can have this armor. It is our kingdom's national treasure and the best armor you will ever find."

I was surprised he would give me something as valuable as this just like that... But I didn't say anything in fear that it would be improper in front of the king himself. He continued:

"Then, let Us give you this shield. It is also our national treasure."

He gives me a relatively small round metal shield. How is this a national treasure, is what I thought. The king explained, as if reading my thoughts:

"It might not seem like much, but don't be deceived by its appearance. If you are attacked when this shield is on you, it will create a barrier around you. Even if the enemy's attack comes from behind, it'll protect you. Also, it'll return 90% of the enemy's attack to himself, so it's pretty handy. And lastly..."

He signals his servant to his right who hurriedly brings what the king wants.

"There we go. You might recognize this sword."

Of course I do. It's the Legendary Hero's Holy Sword! The one that got me sent to prison... The king continued:

"Concerning your situation with this sword earlier this week, We would like to properly apologize to you..."

Oh... I didn't expect that... The king himself apologizing to me? That's something I never expected to hear... He continued, again:

"The guy who falsely accused you will be demoted from his noble rank. Does that satisfy you?"

"What!? No! Don't do that! It's fine! It was only natural for him to think that about me!"

I surprised myself. So much for not being rude to the king... I looked, scared, at the king's face. Then, he started laughing. He said:

"Hahaha! You're really a strange fellow! That's alright! Nothing will happen to him! Don't worry! Hahaha! Ok... Anyways, here! Take this sword! It's yours, now."

"But I don't know how to use it..."

"You'll learn. Don't worry about it!"


"And now, for your mission!"

I didn't even have time to respond when he continued:

"Take all your things and We'll let you do as you want. First of all, as the prophecy says, the Hero should be left alone to find his own adventure. So go!"

"Can I refuse?"


"OK... Then what do I get for doing this?"

"The satisfaction of having beaten the Demon Lord, the appreciation of the kingdom, enough money to live your life however you want and..."

The king's daughter, the eldest princess, entered the room. The king continued for the 43rd time:

"I will let you marry Our eldest daughter Shlock."

What the fuck!? What's with this shitty name!? But she's good-looking at least... Princess Shlock... But that name... But she's pretty... But the name... Boobs...

"Alright! I accept this mission!"

"Perfect! Then it starts now!"


"Now as in now."

"Like, now now?"

"Yes. You can leave."

"Oh... OK."

And so I left the audience hall and started my mission as the new hero, but at that time, I didn't yet know the truth... But boobs...

How trying to sell a legendary hero's sword led me to battle the Demon LordWhere stories live. Discover now