19 - Ymjwj nx st rjfsnsl yt ymnx ynyqj. Ytt gfi ktw dtz! Gzy ltti otg ymtzlm...

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Everything seemed so peaceful. The night was still, it seemed. That was probably the only time I felt totally relaxed in the duration of our journey. Even though there was still a risk of demons killing us in our sleep, I didn't feel an ounce of fear. Instead, I felt at peace.

Suddenly, it happened. I don't know how, but when I blinked and opened my eyes again, we weren't where we were before. Our little spot of grass had disappeared. What happened!? I hurried Andrew and Dug to wake up. As we now looked around, we were simply horrified. What had happened to us? What happened to our little spot of grass!? Also, why did a huge castle just come out of nowhere!? And how!? How were we here!? The questions kept on adding and adding to our confusion and fear. Now we were just standing there. What could have possibly happened to us?

How trying to sell a legendary hero's sword led me to battle the Demon LordWhere stories live. Discover now