10 - Prison (Part 6: Getting out?)

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It hasn't even been a day... I've already pretty much become the boss of this place... Time flies by so quick... except it doesn't! This sucks! I don't have anything to do and everyone just keeps being annoying by always saying "Hello Boss!" every time they see me... *sigh* I want to go home... I close my eyes.

Suddenly, I hear some noise coming from outside my cell. I open my eyes. It's the guard. Before I can even realize what's going on, he opens my cell door. I'm confused... Then, he tells me:

"You're free to go!"

"What!? Seriously!?"

"Yeah! But before that, you have an audience with the king."

"Umm... What!? Why!?"

"How should I know!? It's the king himself who asked to see you! Ask him when you see him!"

So... I'm getting out? I think... And I have an audience with the king... for some reason... What's happening!?

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