{Violet x fem reader}

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The war is over my dad was a soldier in the military but he didn't make it back home,so it's just me and my mom that live alone she has been talking lately about writing letters my mom says "we should request a doll to write my letters"I sigh at her words "mom you can write good why do you need a auto memories doll to write your letters?"I asked putting down her cup of tea on the table.my mom just smiled at me "(Y/N) I can write good but the dolls can do it better then me and plus who knows it might be a beautiful doll I will request"my mom said I rolled my eyes and continued to wash the dishes with her making plans when she can get a auto memories doll to write her letters I have no idea why my mom is writing letters and who is it for but I guess I will never know.

I was doing something in the kitchen when I heard someone knock on the front door "coming!"I yelled,I walked to the door opening it to find a girl standing in front of the door "is this the (L/N) house hold?"the girl asked her voice sounded so pleasant it sounded pretty.a very beautiful and attractive young woman maybe two years younger then me I could be wrong but she looks young,stood in front of my house door she looked like a doll in appearance she has light blue eyes that almost look like the sea or a river with a fair complexion and a slender frame.she has golden hair with locks that frame her face her hair was pulled into two braided buns being held by two red ribbons,she was wearing a white ribbon tie dress with a Prussian blue jacket.she was also wearing a white pleated silk skirt and a emerald brooch on the middle of the ribbon tie.she was wearing brown gloves and heeled long leather boots which are deep brown she was carrying a brown bag case and a blue parasol.

I was staring at her then I noticed I was staring "y-yeah this the (L/N) house hold are you by chance the auto memories doll my mom requested?"I asked scratching the back of my neck "I will travel anywhere to meet your request,auto memory doll at your service violet evergarden"the doll said bowing like a princess I was speechless this girl has a calm,elegant,and firm attitude which I like."come in sorry my bad for making you stand outside for so long while it's still cold outside"I said moving out the way violet walked in I closed the door "take a seat I will get you some tea"I said going into the kitchen to make tea for our guest,I came back in the living room giving violet a cup of tea I wrapped a blanket around violet "miss (L/N) I'm not cold"violet said I leaned on the living room wall sipping my tea "no it's fine I bet your cold with the light clothes you are wearing,and my name is (Y/N) once again sorry for not introducing myself"I had my eyes closed man mom you take forever to get ready violet nodded her head drinking her tea.

My mom came down the stairs "hello are you by chance miss violet evergarden?"my mom asked "yes and are you Mrs.(L/N)?"violet asked standing up,my mom nodded her head she looked towards me telling me to come "mom I already met miss violet I answered the door and served her tea and gave her a blanket since it is cold outside while you were in the bathroom"I said putting down my cup and started reading a book.my mom sighed "I'm sorry miss violet my daughter is just ani-social"my mom apologized "no it's fine Mrs.(L/N) your daughter is quite respectful and well mannered so it's not a problem"violet said looking towards me,my (E/C) eyes stared back at violet's light blues ones "well miss violet should we start writing"my mom said sitting down on the sofa "yes we should it will be a pleasure to be working with you,where will we be working Mrs.(L/N)?"violet asked "right here in the living room is fine"my mom said violet sat in the same spot she was in.she pulled out her own typewriter and pulled off her gloves instead of her hands it was metal hands,I looked from my book to see her hands "let me guess you were part of the military and lost both of your arms in the war?"I asked standing up from where I was sitting and stood in front of violet."(Y/N) be respectful to our guest"my mom said "no it's fine Mrs.(L/N) and yes miss (Y/N) is correct I lost both my arms in the war"violet said looking at me as if she was shocked but didn't show it.

My mom and violet were working out in the living room I was in my room,mom said violet will be in the house for a couple days so I have to show her to her room where she will sleeping.I stared at my ceiling then I looked at my desk where was a picture of me,mom,and dad.above the desk on the wall was a shotgun my dad gave it to me just in case someone tried to rob the house or hurt my mom,dad taught me how to use military weapons in a way I'm a soldier I guess you can say.before my dad was sent off to war on my tenth birthday he gave me a dog tag that people in the military wear,there are two tags on the chain one tag has my name and date of the year and the second one behind the first one is just a blank sliver dog tag I wear it all the time since my dad gave it to me and the dog tag is important to me.

I was staring at nothing until I head someone knock on my door,I got off my bed walking the door and opened it "miss (Y/N) your mother would like you to come down and eat dinner with us"violet said "why so formal you can just say my name you know?"I asked closing my door,violet walked beside me while walking down the stairs "well when I was working with your mother she started talking about your father and how he was in the war but didn't make it,you are a military child that means you have a lot of knowledge about the military and I respect that so that is why I'm formal with you and your mom and I have respect for other people"violet said I was quiet I didn't talk while making our way towards the kitchen.

It was the same at the table I was quiet I didn't talk much or eat I just picked at my food "(Y/N) what's wrong sweetie?"my mom asked me "I'm not hungry"I said dropping my fork "miss (Y/N) you have to eat and have your nutrients in your body"violet said."hey mom why are you writing letters I'm just curious?"I asked looking at my food my mom didn't answer "did you find a new man to replace dad tell me"I asked again mom didn't answer again,"miss (Y/N) the letters are private please don't push your mother"violet said "keep shut would you it's none of your business why make it your business violet!"I yelled standing up and slamming my hands on the table every since my dad died my mom has been keeping herself away from me I don't know why but it hurts why because my mom is the last family I have I don't have a partner to keep me company if my mom is up to something I might as well lose her too like with dad.

I couldn't take this and left the table going back up to my room to try to calm myself and give myself space,I was fixing my gun until again someone knocked on my door "who is it?"I asked "violet may I come in"violet asked "yes"I yelled from the other side of the room.violet came in not her normal clothes but her sleep clothes "what are you doing?"violet asked standing right behind me "I'm fixing my gun and cleaning it so it look shining and it works properly"I said focusing on the gun "are you okay you seemed a little upset about your mother?"violet asked putting a hand on my shoulder.I paused what I was doing "yeah I'm alright I just overreacted that is all I'm just scared about losing my mom I already lost my dad which was hard enough to deal with and if I lose my mom I think won't have anything to live for on earth"I said and gripped the screwdriver harder violet noticed this and put her hand on top of mine and side hugged me.I froze no one has did this to me besides my parents and friends I tensed up a little bit violet was warm "you should be going to bed don't stay up to late you have a letter to write for tomorrow"I said patting her back she let go "goodnight miss (Y/N)"violet said before closing the door "yeah you too violet"I said back violet smiled a little bit and closed the door.my heart was beating faster then normal like it was pounding seeing violet's hair down and her smiling made my heart beat faster then normal speed oh god do I have a crush on violet a auto memories doll and once was a soldier in the war.

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