Chapter 1 - Her

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Chapter 1 - Her

I hate hotel parking spaces. They're so tiny you can barely open your door to get out or you might hit the car beside you.

Especially when those huge SUVs park on both sides --- oooh don't even get me started. The space in between is just enough for your sideview mirror.

As much as I can, I always avoid parking beside those big cars.

But today has to be an exception. I'm running late for a meeting and the parking lot was full - I just got lucky that someone was leaving as I was about to pass by. So I decided to just take it. If I'm careful enough I'm sure I can do it without scratching the cars on either side.

Ten minutes later and I'm regretting my decision immensely. I'm stuck in this slot and am starting to panic as I tried to figure out how to get myself out of this mess.

Then I noticed more people pass by and I began to break out in cold sweats as I imagined what they must be thinking.

Tsk, it's a female driver.

She shouldn't be out driving if she doesn't know how to park.

Here's hoping she has insurance.

I know, okay? But to be fair, I'm a pretty safe driver and haven't been in an accident not even once in the three years I've been driving myself around. I just got spoiled with the big parking slots in our office building so I rarely got to practice having to park in tight spaces.

As I struggled to correct my position without hitting something, I noticed that the slot behind me was now available. But before I could even plan how to move my car over there, someone beat me to it.

Oh well, it's the peak hour after all. I shouldn't hate on that driver for taking the slot so fast.

I checked the rearview mirror again and tried to slowly ease backwards. It was quite painful, especially as I saw a few people give me a knowing glance before walking past.

Inching the car slowly forward, I think I was able to straighten it out a bit and opened my door to check. Just as I turned around, I noticed that the guy who stepped out of the car parked across mine had frozen in his steps and turned in my direction.

He seemed to observe me for a few minutes then started to walk away, and then came back again.

After a few seconds which he probably spent debating whether or not to approach me, I saw him start to walk towards my side of the car. He probably took pity on my sorry state and decided to be a good samaritan.

I heard him knock and I rolled down my window to talk, crossing my fingers that he's not a criminal who will suddenly point a gun on me while ordering me to get out and hand the car over.

"I'm sorry... I..." I started to say as soon as the window was lowered.

"You need help?" He said at the same time, and embarassment washed over me. I felt my cheeks heat up but I forced myself to smile and nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah, I guess I miscalculated the space," I told him sheepishly.

"All right, I can help you if you'd like."

I hesitated for a bit. He seemed like a professional with the way he talked and carried himself with confidence. He also wore his clothes well, making his simple collared shirt and pants look like they were tailor made for him.

I couldn't see his face clearly since he was wearing his cap quite low and the shadow it created practically covered his whole face. The parking area was not that well lit, but even then I noted his chiseled jaw, sharp nose, and smooth skin, and got the impression that he was probably a good looking guy.

He kind of looked familiar and I racked my brains trying to figure out where I saw him before. Then I shrugged it off, thinking that if we knew each other he would have greeted me by name when I rolled down my window.

He probably saw my measuring looks and the reason behind my hesitation because he offered me his car keys and phone, which he was holding as we talked, graciously asking me to hold them for him while he parked my car.

"I'm so sorry for bothering you," I apologized profusely, partly because I was taking up his time, but mostly for doubting his good intentions.

"It's okay, don't worry about it."

I put my car on park and got out, all the while alternating between thanking him and saying sorry.

"I'm really not used to parking in hotels," I continued, forcing a laugh as I tried to hide my embarassment for putting myself in this situation.

"Oh that's normally how it is at first, I was like that too," he told me kindly with a small laugh as he got in the driver's seat. "It gets better with practice."

Feeling a bit reassured that I wasn't being judged for my mistake - or at least not too harshly - I finally saw the humor in the whole scenario and chuckled heartily as I stepped aside to let him do the job.

It took him just a couple of minutes to fix what took me at least 15 minutes to wiggle around in.

"Thank you so, so much! I can't even express how grateful I am right now," I repeated over and over as he got out of the car. I knew I was rambling but I couldn't help myself.

Great, not only do I look like an idiot but I sounded like one too.

"Hey, it's not a big deal, don't beat yourself up. It happens to everybody," he comforted me as he handed back my keys.

I returned his stuff as well and thanked him one last time before quickly getting in the car again, eager to end the humiliating experience.

As I switched off the lights and the engine, I realized I didn't even get his name or his contact number so I can thank him properly or return the favor some other time.

I turned around, hoping to talk to him about it, but he was already gone.

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