Chapter 4 - Him

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Chapter 4 - Him

I woke up to the shrill ringing of my phone and grabbed it from my bedside table.

Checking the time quickly before I answered the call, I was annoyed to see it was only 5am, and I didn't have anything scheduled in the morning, so why the hell is anyone calling me at this hour

"Hello?" I answered groggily, shaking my head from side to side to wake myself up.

"Jason!" Dana shouted from the other line and I had to pull the phone away from my ear. "What the fuck did you do yesterday?!"

"Wait, what are you talking about? Dana, isn't this too early for you to be cursing already? And I was with you yesterday, so what is this about?"

"That's exactly my point - I was with you yesterday so how in the world did you still manage to get yourself in a scandal???"

I winced at her shrill voice then her words began to sink in.

Scandal? There's a new one?

"Can you get straight to the point please, I just woke up and I can't process the information just yet."

"I'll email you the article that came out last night. Call me after you've read it," Dana told me abruptly and hung up.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched my body, trying to get my brain nerves functioning.

I headed to the kitchen and started the coffee machine. Better pump my veins with caffeine first, this sounds like it's going to be a long day.

That's not to say I haven't gotten used to intrigue by now. After all, after almost 20 years in the industry, I practically eat scandals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The latest one which came out just over a month ago was quite amusing, claiming that I had gotten my co-star pregnant and didn't want to take responsibility for it, which led to that actress taking a hiatus.

Truth was, she had gotten plastic surgery to sharpen her jaws and nose, and needed time away from the spotlight so the change wouldn't be tooshocking for her fans. She can just chalk it up to losing weight or whatever story her PR team comes up with when she decides to come back.

I didn't bother to clarify my side of the story anymore since I wasn't really in a relationship and there wasn't anyone I needed to protect. And my co-star didn't issue any statement either, probably happy to have a story to cover up her departure.

I know these things give me a bad boy image, but I didn't mind anymore, unlike the first few years when I was starting out.

Back then, it used to hurt when people make up stories about me, and I get judged as a person based on those stories. I always wanted to correct whatever fake news that comes up, worried that the fans will get the wrong impression and hate me.

I know now it doesn't really work that way. In fact, the more scandals I get involved in, the more popular I get.

Maybe it's the appeal of taming the bad boy that attracts them. Or maybe the thought of me being with a different woman every few months amps up my sex appeal.

In reality, though, I've only been in two serious relationships my whole life - one when I was in twenty-two, with a girl I met when we were both working as extras in a film.

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