Chapter 15 - Her

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Chapter 15 - Her

Sometimes I forget that he's a celebrity when I'm with him. True, he's more vain than your average guy and he can get sulky sometimes, but he never made me feel inferior.

But now I'm reminded how big a star Jason Miller was. Just the reaction of the reporters as they saw him was overwhelming already. And everybody he passed bowed to him like the king that he was.

As he called me to join him on stage, he looked more regal than ever, as if denying him what he wanted was out of the question.

I stepped on the podium and voices exploded around the room, various questions thrown at me from all sides.

What's it like to work with a top star?

Do you like working for him?
Are you dating Jason Miller?

Are you dating someone?

I didn't know which one to answer first, or even if I should, so I just turned to Jason for my cue.

He nodded reassuringly then raised his hand to regain control of the crowd.

"We will entertain only one question for Olivia. Then let's talk about the film, okay?"

"Mitch, what's your question?" Dana called out to another reporter.

"Hi Olivia," Mitch greeted and I forced myself to relax and smile at her. "If you're not dating Jason, are you seeing someone else then?"

The question caught me by surprise. We didn't consider this possibility in our discussions so I don't know what my answer should be.

I glanced at both Jason and Dana but I couldn't read anything from their expressions.

I considered the question carefully. If I said no, then they might think that either we're denying we're dating - or that we'd get there eventually.

After all, it's easy to imagine falling in love with someone like Jason, especially if you're together everyday.

But maybe if I said yes, then the rumors with Jason would stop. So maybe I should say I'm in a relationship?

"Mitch," I heard Jason say, "Olivia is not really a public figure so let's respect her privacy please."

"But it's a simple question. She doesn't even have to mention any names if she doesn't want to."

"No-" Jason started to say something but I interrupted him.

"Yes, I am."

The room went quiet and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"I mean, yes I'm dating someone."

I turned to smile at Jason to let him know that I can handle this, that I have a plan. But the expression on his face stopped me.

He looked furious.


That was three days ago, and Jason is still angry at me. And I don't understand why.

I mean, I know that wasn't in the plan, but we fixed it quite easily after all. Dana and I talked about it and she agreed we'd ask Paul if he could help us out.

Paul readily said yes to the idea. Probably because being in a relationship would help him ward off overly aggressive female customers at the restaurant.

Yes it was a fake one, but we're the only ones who know that so it doesn't matter.

At first I felt guilty for dragging Paul into this, but he was the first person that came to mind when the idea formed in my head.

Mainly because he was my closest male friend - more like a brother actually - and I felt comfortable around him, so it wouldn't be difficult to play this farce if he were my partner in crime.

And like I said, it's a mutually beneficial situation. He seemed happy about it, even.

The only one who isn't was Jason. And he's been taking it out on me every chance he got.

"Olivia, why do I have 4 appointments this afternoon? How do you think I can go to those four different places within six hours and still get anything done?!"

He roared at me this morning, and ignored my explanations that Dana was the one who set up all those meetings. I was just the messenger.

"Why do I need a manager if I have to do all these myself?!"He yelled again as I forgot to hand him his favorite protein shake for lunch.

It was like working with a wounded lion and I was getting tired of it. I'm at the end of my rope and I was ready to call it quits.

"Hi Dana, can we meet up quickly tonight?" I texted her. "I can go where you are after I drop Jason off at his house."

"Sure! Is there a problem?"

"I'll tell you later. It's hard to explain over text, sorry."

"Okay. Let me know when you're done and I'll send you my location."

"Thanks Dana!"

That somehow made me feel better. Just knowing it will be over soon helped me relaxed a bit. Just a couple more hours and I'll probably get rid of this grouchy man.

Jason was in his last appointment for today, a photoshoot for a razor brand that he's endorsing. I watched him in his element and couldn't help but be impressed.

He was dressed in a power suit, with every stitch looking like it was tailor fit for him. It showed off his physique, and he looked hot in it. A man's man.

If only he wasn't so irritable. I was starting to enjoy the job, this glimpse into this crazy entertainment world was interesting, awe-inspiring, and quite educational I must say. I felt like I've grown a lot these past few days.

But his attitude was getting to me, and I find myself worrying about it everyday. I couldn't sleep properly, couldn't take my mind off him and why he's acting like that.

It wasn't healthy anymore and I needed to get myself out of this situation.

But you'll miss him, a small voice inside me whispered.

And though I'd rather die than admit it to anyone other than myself, I knew it was true.

I will miss working with Jason Miller.

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