When You Watch A Movie Together

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Masaomi: *Masaomi picks a Studio Ghibli movie, something cute like Spirited Away or My Neighbor Totoro* Ne, (Y/N)-Chan, do you want another lollipop or would you like popcorn this time? *You are curled up in his lap*

Ukyo: *Ukyo chooses an adventure movie, but is on his phone most of the time* "Ukyo-saaaaan, pay attention to the movie!" *You complain and latch onto his arm*

Kaname: *Kaname wants to watch an X rated movie, but when you quickly denied, you compromised on a romantic comedy* Why don't you sit on my lap, (Y/N)-Chan? *Tries to make moves on you throughout the whole movie*

Hikaru: *Hikaru is excited to watch a movie. He chooses a whole bunch of classics, and makes you pick. You end up watching "The Breakfast Club"* I like this movie a lot. Don't you, (Y/N)-Chan?

Tsubaki: *Tsubaki wants to watch a cute movie, but not a kid movie. Something like Safe Haven. He spends most of the movie cuddled up to you and giggling*

Azusa: *Azusa let's you choose a movie to watch and let's you fall asleep on his lap*

Natsume: *Natsume chooses the Lego Movie, just because neither of you have seen it, and are both in the mood for a good laugh*

Louis: *You sit in Louis' lap and both sing along to Frozen. When he sees Elsa's hair, he decided to try it on you while the movie plays* Gomen, (Y/N)-Chan. I didn't mean to tug your hair that hard.

Subaru: *Subaru picks a sport movie, Air Bud, and you both sat quietly and snacked on healthy popcorn* Do you like dogs, (Y/N)-Chan?

Iori: *Iori let's you pick the movie, and ends up massaging your body throughout the movie; your head first, then shoulders, back. This quickly turns into tickles, and neither of you pay attention to the movie* "I-Iori-San! I mi-might pee m-myself!"

Yusuke: *Yusuke lets you pick the movie, and you pick a Chick Flick just to bug him. As he watches, you laugh at him hysterically as he sheds a tear, and you give him a kiss to cheer him up*

Fuuto: *Fuuto chooses a documentary about an idol, and makes comments about how he's so much better than them. By the end of the movie, you're in his arms, embracing each other* "Fuu-kun shut up and watch the damn movie!"

Wataru: *Wataru wants to watch a Disney movie, his favorite is Finding Nemo. He can quote the whole movie, and sits on your lap the whole time* Nee-Chan, what's your favorite movie?

sorry I skipped last chapters question I forgot whoops

Question of the Day

What is your favorite anime?

I really like Ano Hana, Clannad and K-On!

Please continue to make requests and I'll continue to update!

Dawnii-Chan xoxo

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