Chapter 4 - Getting along

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Simon's POV:

We had social studies 3 times a week. It was honestly one of my favourite lessons - usually. Talking all the time and no real work or rules make it so fun. I was looking forward to it since I would be working with Josh and luckily we wouldn't really have to work with Jared and Alex. I mean they're on the other side of the debate and we wouldn't want them to know any of our points would we.

We'd actually be starting to collect our points today. I wanted to show that I supported gay people without seeming over the top and suspicious. But most importantly I really wanted to get to know Josh.

I sat down in the seat next to where Josh usually sits - at the back of the classroom and waited for him to arrive.

Josh's POV:

When I entered the classroom I saw the opposite of what I was expecting. Simon was sat at the back in the seat next to the one I always sat in. I thought I would've had to go join him as he sat with his friends. Did he actually want to work with me?

No one ever wanted to work with me. I suppose I didn't really help my case. Usually when I worked with someone they wouldn't talk to me so I wouldn't talk back and then I'd have to do all the work. However I felt like it was going to be different with Simon for some reason. I just didn't know why. Oh well at least he actually cares about the work so I won't have to do all of it.

"Hi Josh" he says as I sit down
"Hello Simon" I said

The teacher then walked in, informed us that we were to work in our pairs and come up with points for our debates and then left again. She was such a shit teacher.

"So I was thinking that for our debate we could not only talk about gay marriage and equality and stuff like that but also homophobia and the effects it can have on people, because that's important" Simon began and I just nodded my head and said "Sure"

Simon's POV:

He didn't look sure.

"We don't have to if you don't want to. I mean I totally understand you not wanting to do it. It's fine if you don't I promise" I blurt out - god Simon stop rambling
"Why wouldn't I" he asked
"Josh you don't have to try to pretend you don't know what I'm on about. I see that people give you a hard time just because you're the only out person in our year, especially Jared and Alex" I say sympathetically to him
"I didn't think you would have noticed, people don't usually notice me"
"Maybe I pay attention more than people give me credit for" I say jokingly

"It's fine I promise, I think it would be good to actually educate people maybe then they wouldn't be such dicks, well most of them" he said smiling at me
"Aww that's the nicest thing anyones ever indirectly said about me" I say jokingly placing my hand over my heart. He just laughed and rolled his eyes at me. I could already tell we were going to get along.

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