Chapter 30 - Glue

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A/N - very, very, very short chapter. I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who is being so patient with me and my updates on this book. I try to update as mochas possible but sometimes I just 'lose' the ability to think of how to write what want to say. Hopefully more updates will come soon. Stay safe friends xx

Josh's POV:

"What if everyone really hates the real me but they're just pretending not to" Simon said whilst laid pretty much on top of my chest. We were at his house for once and lying on his bed. It was around half 12 in the morning.

"I don't hate the real you. I love you. No matter what I'll love you. You haven't changed as much as you think you have Si. Sure you dress in slightly more black and have snake bites but you're still the same kind, caring, funny, considerate and loveable person that you've always been. Don't let anyone change that or make you think that that isn't still you. You are still you Simon, (I'm sorry I'll go home. Also I legit cried when she said that in the cinema and had to hide it from my dad cause I'm not out to him yet) nothing can change that"

"Thanks, I love you Josh, so much"

"I love you too Simon, more than words can describe"

He curled further into me and fell asleep with my hands running through his hair. He looked so perfect in moments like these that it was hard to remember the broken pieces of him that he was trying desperately to keep together. He told me something the other day. It was "I used to feel like a plate that has been smashed on the ground and now you're my glue, putting me back together and keeping me functioning". He really was the most precious thing I had ever seen.

'Polar opposites' ~ MinizerkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin