Chapter 22 - Noah pt 1

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Noah's POV: (ooooooo) 😂😂

So I've been driving to school with Simon and Josh for the past almost 3 weeks now. It's easiest and actually quite fun. Simon always comes to our house and then we all drive together. I thought nothing of the weird looks I sometimes got from a certain group in my year. I thought they were just confused that I was with two older people. It wasn't until the day Josh shouted to me over his shoulder as he walked off.

"Mom's working late tonight remember"

"Ok" I shouted back and walked off

I spent the morning with Ben (my best friend) as I usually did nothing was weird until Ben left me to go piss. Then Oli and his 'gang' came round the corner and to where I was standing.

"So," he began "you're f*g boy's brother"

"Don't call Josh that" I said standing up for my brother but also aware of the fact that there were 3 of them and 1 of me

"I'll call him what I want, it's his fault the most popular guy in our school is gay and you know what rep that will give us to other schools? Not a good one" he said answering his question before I could

"No it's not, just because he's dating Simon doesn't mean he 'made' him gay"

"Well it's disgusting"

"And what you're saying isn't?" I asked and immediately regretted it as his fist flew into my face and knocked me to the ground

"You have no right to say that to me especially when your brother is the most disgusting person ever" he said and then began to knick me along with his other 2 'friends'. There was nothing I could physically do I mean I was average height and as skinny as a match stick I wouldn't stand a chance.

"Oi, what the fuck are you doing" Ben said coming up from behind them. He, on the other hand, was tall and played for our rugby team - no one messed with him.

They all ran away laughing with each other

"Shit Noah, are you alright, do you want me to call your brother" he said crouching down next to me

"NO!" I said "he can't know this happened"

"Was it about him?" He asks voice full of sympathy

"Yeah" I said looking down

"Hey look at me, it's ok" he said putting two fingers under my chin and gently pushing it upwards towards him

"You can't call Josh, he'll be worried about me, he has enough of his own stuff to deal with"

"I won't, but we need to call someone, you're face is bleeding and I bet you have bruised ribs"

"Call Simon, he'll know what to do without worrying Josh" Simon had became like a second brother to me recently "My head kills"

"Ok" he says softly now sitting next. I gently rest my head on his shoulder

Simon's POV:

It was almost the end of break and my phone began ringing. The contact name showed 'Noah'. Why was he calling me and not Josh?

I answered it only being with Ethan and Vik as the others had lessons over the other side of the school.

"Hey bud, what's up?" The voice that answered wasn't his but sounded familiar

"Hi so this is Ben, Noah's friend, are you with Josh?" He asked

"No he's the other side of the school by the new building, I have period 4 with him though"

"Good" ok so now I was really confused "I need you to come to the back of the old building and don't tell anyone where you're going cause it's a secret"

"Ok, but where's Noah?" I asked slightly concerned

"I'm here" I heard quieter

"I'll be there in a minute"

"Gotta go do something quickly mates, see ya" I said beginning to walk away

"Bye" I heard the two voices call after me

What was going on?

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