Chapter 11 - Crying

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A/N I am so sorry this took so long. A lot of shit has been happening recently for me. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

*Warning* Possibly triggering content - homophobia, depression. Stay safe friends xx

Josh's POV:

Ever since hanging out at Simon's place and watching Shadowhunters I've gone for the past two weekends and we watched all of it. We're both super excited for season 3b.

I've also been subtly flirting with him. I mean he accidentally said that Matt Daddario was the most attractive PERSON ever and then blushed when I winked at him so. Plus he's hella cute.

However what was super unexpected was when Simon arrived at my house last night around 11. His eyes looked red and his shoulder were slumped.

"Hi, I'm sorry for coming here I just didn't want to be home right now and I didn't know where else to go. I know that you have your own life and your own shit, I don't want to just dump my problems on you because that's not fair it's just I really wanted to talk to someone and I thought that - " he rambled

"Come here" I said pulling him off my doorstep and into a hug he looked like he really needed.

I lead him upstairs and into my bedroom, we both lay on the bed like we did at his but this time closer and me with my arm around his shoulders and his head on my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing his upper arm

"My parent's are shit at being parents. They're rarely home and when they are they don't pay attention to me. I'm constantly ignored, it always feels like they never actually wanted a kid and I'm a burden."

"Aww, you'll never be a burden to me, Si" I say continuing to rub his arm as he cried onto me. I could the tears start to soak through my t-shirt.

"And then they thought I had gone to bed, but I hadn't and I was listening to their conversation about someone they had met that day at work" he said his tears increasing "They were saying stuff like - he was so camp, there was no way he was going to be able to be a part of the company, the little f*ggy queer. I couldn't take it I had to get out so I-I came here"

His arms were both tightly wrapped around my waist. I squeezed him tightly.

"I have two questions" I said "One they sound like not the nicest of people but why did the comment make you want to get out of the house and two what did you do before coming here" he looked slightly taken aback like he didn't expect me to know he didn't say the whole story "You stuttered before saying you come here and you hadn't stuttered the entire time so you were probably trying to skip that bit and had to consciously think about it"

"You're amazing, how do you just see through everything I do" he says

"I'm magical, Simon please answer my questions"

"Okay well I'm gay"he says and I feel him breathe deeply "I've never told anyone that before" he says. I once again squeeze him.

"I'm proud of you" I said

"And the other part. I have depression, I've had it for as long as I can remember, my parents don't care. I don't think they've ever noticed even when I didn't get out of bed for like 3 weeks last summer holiday. It's been like 2 months but I did it again, I just couldn't stop myself" I looked down at him slightly confused

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