Chapter 10 - Shadowhunters

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A/N - left Matthew Daddario (Alec) right Dominic Sherwood (Jace) other slide is wedding scene if you want to watch it to know what I'm talking

*Warning* spoilers for season 1 of Shadowhunters

Josh's POV:

We sat there almost all day binge watching season 1 of Shadowhunters.

When it got to episode 12 I was hella excited. This was my favourite episode by far. (Same Josh same)

"This is literally my favourite episode of the whole show" I said
"Oh my god same, it's literally the cutest thing ever"

The episode continued playing and it finally got to the wedding scene.

Tears filled my eyes as Alec walked back down that isle and towards Magnus. I knew exactly how he felt in that moment the conflict inside of wanting to come out and be happy but also staying in the closet and not having to ever face rejection or hate. I was also hella proud of my boy for doing it and making the cutest ship ever.

I look over to my left and see Simon staring at the screen. Although my eyes were bleary I swear I saw little tears coming out of his eyes too.

Simon's POV:

Ugh. I'm so annoyed at myself. Usually I watch Shadowhunters at like 3 in the morning all alone in my room where no one can see me violently sob.

I mainly cry because of two things:
1. Malec is the cutest ship ever and they give me hope
2. I haven't come out yet and I know that one day I'll have to but for now I have to keep the true me hidden and that hurts like a bitch

I was trying so hard not to let any tears out but a few slipped. I tried to wipe them away as discretely as possible but Josh caught me.

"You crying as well" he said chuckling
"Yeah" I said laughing "that was so fucking cute" I said trying not to give away the second reason I cry.

Josh brought his hand towards my face and brushed away the remaining tears with his thumb. I blushed and tried to hide it.

Josh's POV:

We sat through the remaining episode of season 1 both being obviously horrified when Camille kissed Mangus. I've watched it like 1 million times but it's always just as horrible as the first.

We then both continued to sit on his bed talking about the show.

" I honestly don't understand how Alec couldn't be someone's favorite Shadowhunter like he's cool af, sassy af and emo af. Plus Matthew Daddario is like the hottest person alive so" (literally the biggest mood ever)
Is it just me or was what Simon just said really gay? Also sounded like me
"Nah I like jace better always have preferred blondes" I say winking at him and for the second time that day he blushed whilst tying to hide it.

A/N - once again I am so sorry with how late this is please forgive me.

'Polar opposites' ~ MinizerkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora