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I guess it's just a nightmare and nothing more...

After we left Jungkooks tower Taehyung told me he had to meet the others to see if there is any news about this new place they discovered. I decided to go to Namjoon and tell him the good news about my pregnancy.

I got off the carriage and headed at his door. With the salary of a Warrior, he bought a bigger house and I was happy when I saw it. Namjoon opened the door with a smile on his face and he hugged me tightly. We sat at his living room and talked for hours. I told him about the pregnancy and he was really happy and emotional. I also told him about Jungkook and that he's my brother and he was very shocked but he did smile, knowing I found some relative of mine alive. It was a really nice conversation that I didn't even realize that it was already dark outside. I decided to leave since it was getting very late, so I hugged Namjoon and then left.

When I went back to the castle, Taehyung was waiting for me by the door. I walked up to him and hugged him, but he didn't hug me back. I broke the hug and realized that his face was sad and I caressed his cheek to comfort him.

"What's wrong?", I soothingly said and he looked at me with a worried look.

"The dragon land... It's a whole other kingdom. And they have a king and a queen and they demand to meet with me... I have to go there...but I... I can't leave you here, all alone...", he softly said and I knew that he would burst out crying any second.

"What if I come with you?", I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's extremely dangerous. No way...", he said and shook his head in denial.

"Taehyung, listen. I love you, but this is my choice to make. If I want to come with you, I will. Plus, I want to see this new city. So please, just let me come with you." I said and I saw him sigh and lower his head.

"Alright, but if anything happens on the way, we're turning back.", he said and I hugged him.

"Thank you." I whispered and kissed his cheek. After that, we went to bed, since the next day, a whole new adventure was waiting for us.
The morning light slowly found its way to my room and woke me up. Taehyung was already up, packing things, running from here to there, looking a little panicked.

"Good morning", I said with a sleepy voice and he turned his attention towards me.He came near me and kissed my forehead.

"Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep? Any nightmares?", he asked and I froze for a while. I didn't have a nightmare last night. Maybe it was just a stupid nightmare after all.

"No nightmares this time", I said and smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Good, um could you help me out with the bags? I'm not that good at  packing up things.", he said and I laughed at his cuteness.

"Sure baby, let me change and I'll help you", I said and slowly got up from bed.

"You're the best.",he smiled at me. I quickly got ready and helped Taehyung with all the luggage. We ate our breakfast and said our goodbyes to Lisa and Euphoria. I'll miss them, but I will come back to them.

"Will the five come with us?", I asked and Taehyung nodded in response. Great, a road trip with my husband, brother and their four best friends. We sat in the carriage and our trip began...

Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin and I were on the same carriage, whereas Yoongi, Jimin Hoseok and that other guy who was from dragon land was on another one.

"I still don't understand why you want to come with us, it's super dangerous.", Jungkook said, acting like a protective brother.

"I guess I'm just curious to see this new land.", I responded and he just rolled his eyes.

"Well it's not that dangerous with us around. We can protect you, especially Taehyung.", Jimin reminded me and I smiled at him.

"Exactly, there's no reason for me to be scared", I said and he smiled back.

"So what do you think it will look like?", Taehyung asked us.

"This new kingdom you mean? I'm not sure. But I bet it won't look better than Corona.", Jimin said. Just then a flashback hit me.

"Oh my God! I've read about this dragon land. It used to be a myth though.", I said and they all looked at me shocked.

"Where did you read about it?", Jungkook asked.

"At the local library. Namjoon, my best friend and I would always sneak in and read all sorts of books. I remember that I was alone one day, because Namjoon couldn't make it, and I discovered a forgotten book that said something about a lost kingdom full of dragons and dragon masters. It was a very nice book", I explained and they all nodded in response.

"Well I guess it's not a myth
anymore...", Jimin said and we all laughed, although deep down, I hoped that it wouldn't be the way the book described it...

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