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The king and queen were frozen , eyes widened as if they had seen a ghost. And perhaps they had...

Y/n's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see whether Jungkook was asleep and luckily, he wasn't. He looked at me with a caring face and softly petted my head.

"Jungkook, I want to see Taehyung." , I slowly whispered and he nodded his head as a response while smiling at me.

"I'll go get him sis , stay here okay?" , he said and I nodded .

Jungkook's POV

I headed downstairs as quickly as I could and walked towards the room where the others where only to stop at the entrance.

"And their names ?" , I heard the king of Dragonthia say.

"Y/n and Jungkook" , Taehyung responded. Why was he telling the king our names ? After that I couldn't hear anything coming from the room. Complete silence. I was so confused as to why Taehyung and the king were discussing about me and y/n.

"I-I had two children that were lost during one of the attacks of the dragons" , the king suddenly said with a broken voice.

"One girl and one boy" , he continued and my mind began to understand why me and my sister were the only ones who understood those dragon guardians.

"Their names ... Were Jungkook and Y/n", the king said and my heart started beating extremely fast. It can't be !

"Your wife and your best friend are my children" ,he added. How ? How ? First I found my lost sister and now ... My lost parents ? I can't believe it!
I ran towards the room where y/n was , opening the door with speed and quickly closing it. You could tell I was both shocked and panicked. I didn't know how to react , what to say. Y/n began walking towards me and looked at me with a confused face.

"Y/n I think we must go downstairs." , is all I managed to say. She sweetly nodded her head and I softly grabbed her hand and we both headed downstairs. My heart was now beating uncontrollably loud , I was sweating and my mouth was dry.

"Jungkook is everything okay?" , Y/n asked me seeing me in this state.

"Y-yes just wait", I said and we arrived at the room. All eyes turned towards us , we moved forward heading closer to the king and the others. The king and queen were looking at us full of lust and you could tell that they were ready to cry.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n ..." , the queen said standing on her feet with eyes swollen.

"Yes ?" , I said innocently, not knowing what had just been revealed.

"Welcome home !", the queen said and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Y/n , Jungkook , I am king Jeon George. In other words I am your father and she is your mother , Queen Coralline." , the king said leaving me with a shocked face.

"You- you're my parents?" , I said unsure of what to believe.

"How ? I thought the dragons killed you!" , I said in a saddened tone.

"They didn't kill us because we realized that we could communicate with them!", the king explained. I suddenly began crying and the whole room turned silent. Jungkook patted me on the back to comfort me and the king and queen walked towards us.

"This is so surreal!" , I  happily said and hugged both of the king and queen. Soft sobbing sounds were the only thing you could hear. I can't believe it! My family! I found them! All of them... I hugged my brother as well and we all smiled at each other.

"You don't know how much we searched to find you... We thought you were..." , the king broke down in tears

"No need to cry now father , we're here." , Jungkook said and hugged our father. I was so happy to see Jungkook and my parents again that I didn't even realize that Taehyung had left the room. I went towards the others and asked them were he went. They all showed me the direction and I headed to find my love. I found him sitting by the stairs looking at the floor with a sad look on his face.

"Hi baby" , I said to cheer him up and he stood up and hugged me tightly. The hug was so tight that I almost fainted.

"Woah Taehyung , did you miss me that much ?" , I said and giggled but he still looked sad. I lifted his chin in order for him to look at me

"Hey , what's wrong ?" , I said caressing his face.

"I don't know. I know that finding your parents means the world to you and I am very happy for you, but it doesn't delete the fact that they're fairy-hunters." , Taehyung said and I completely understood his words.

"You're right. It doesn't. But just give me some time okay ? I'll explain to my parents that fairies aren't bad." , I said and smiled at him and he smiled at me while softly kissing my forehead.

"I love you y/n. Never forget that." , he said and I kissed him passionately.

"I'll never forget it", I said and he kissed me again.

"We should stay here for a while. You should spend time with your parents. What do you think?", Taehyung said and I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Yes! Yes! That's the best idea ever!", I said and we kissed again , not knowing that the king was secretly hearing us this whole time...

anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter!! It's gonna get chaotic soon nw... By the way I want to know whether you guys like that i'm changing the POV(point of view)so often and whether i should keep doing it or just write less POV changes... Please let me know in the comments

thank you for reading and supporting my stories 💓

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