◈remember me

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"We must go back to corona for backup. If war is what this fucker wants, war is what he's gonna have."

Your POV

My eyes slowly opened as the morning sun found itself in my room. I yawned and stretched my arms in my king size bed. Huh , I don't remember having such a huge bed...

"Good morning y/n", a man's voice sounded next to me and I turned around to see a complete stranger next to me on the bed.

"Who the fuck are you?", I yelled at him and noticed his shocked expression.

"I'm your husband", he said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I think i'd remember the fact that I have a husband.", I said while eying him suspiciously.

"I am your husband. You just don't remember because you had a memory loss accident.", he explained. Makes sense since I can't remember anything at all from the past.

"Okay, what's your name?", I asked him and he smiled softly.

"I'm Jackson.", he said. Why do I feel like I've see him before?

"You do look familiar", I admitted.

"See ?You remember me", he said and I nodded. He does look familiar, but not in a husband kind of way. But my memory won't help me remember who he is.

"How are my lovebirds?", my father said from the edge of the room and Jackson's body immediately jolted up.

"We're great.", Jackson said and smiled at me. I gave him a fake smile. Something feels weird about this whole situation but my mind just can't remember.

"I'm so happy to hear that", my father said and smiled at us.

"Your mother has prepared breakfast. You two have to get ready and then you'll enjoy the day together.", He added and we both nodded our heads. He exited the room and left us alone again.

"Get ready, I'll wait for you downstairs", Jackson said and touched my cheek but my body flinched at his touch. I saw his face getting sad from my reaction.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to react this way", this seems all too familiar. It's as if I got a deja vu.

"It's okay. Just get ready", he smiled at me and exited the room.
I massaged my head in frustration. How long ago was that accident? And why did my body react this way? Something inside me is telling me to let my guard down, but another part of me says that I am not sure if I can trust Jackson.

I decided to get off the bed and I looked down, only to see my belly was puffy. I screamed when I realized I was pregnant, but it wasn't a pleasant scream. Jackson immediately entered the room with his eyes widened and ran towards me.

"What happened are you okay?", he said concerned.

"I-I'm pregnant?", I said as tears formed in my eyes.



"A few months ago"

"I-I don't understand, how am I unable to remember?"

"I told you, you had an accident"


"Last night", Jackson said and I could feel a headache forming.

"I think I need a bath", I said and left.
I entered the bathroom and stripped off of my clothes. My mind was trying to recollect itself with no result. I can't remember anything. Is this baby Jackson's? Who else's could it be? He claims he is my husband and yet I didn't feel comfortable when he touched me.

I decided to let it go and entered the bathtub. I let the warm water surround me and the smell of bath salts made me relax into the bathtub. My eyes felt heavy so I just closed them.

"y/n", a voice I've heard before said.

"Remember me",he added.
My eyes widened and I touched my chest to ease my beating heart. What the fuck was that?Who's voice was that? It felt like I knew this persons' voice very well.

I got out of the bathtub and covered myself with a fresh towel.
I got out of the bathroom and found a pair of fresh clothes and lingerie in my bed. I put them on and exited my room. For some reason I could clearly remember where the dining room was, that's where I found Jackson and my parents eating. They noticed me and Jackson signaled me to sit next to him. I did as he said and sat down. I began eating from my dish as I felt extremely hungry.

My parents and Jackson were talking about different stuff, and although it looked like a normal family breakfast, something felt weird about this. Suddenly, I remembered something from the past.

"Dragon fires", I whispered but my mother heard me.

"What did you say darling?",she eyed me suspiciously.

"You were killed by dragon fires, how are you alive ?"

"Honey the dragons didn't kill us, they wanted to show us. This kingdom is theirs and they wanted us to help them become
stronger.", my mother explained.


"You're probably still dizzy from last night." , Jackson interrupted me.

"Should we go for a walk love?",Jackson said and smiled at me.
I simply nodded my head and he stood up and offered me his hand. We waved goodbye to my parents and exited the room. We went out, in the castle's gardens. We decided to walk for a while.

"What are you thinking?", Jackson asked me as if he knew I felt uneasy with this whole situation.

"I don't know." , I said and kept walking, admiring the beauty of the green grass and colorful flowers surrounding us. Jackson stayed quiet and the rest of our walk was pretty silent.

I decided to spend the rest of my day inside my room, trying to remember something, but nothing came to my mind. Nothing except that man's voice in my dream. Whoever's voice that was he wanted me to remember him. But I just couldn't. I didn't even realize it was dark outside before the door opened, revealing Jackson.
He came towards me with a coat on his hands.

"Wear this", he demanded.


"Just trust me and wear the coat y/n", he said with a louder voice. I did as he said and wore the coat.
He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the door.

"You're hurting me", I said and he looked at me with a face full of regret.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go now, we don't have much time", he said and it confused me a little.

"Where are we going?", I asked.

"I'm getting you out of this castle"

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