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"Where are we going?", I asked.
"I'm getting you out of this castle"

One day ago...
Taehyung's POV

Leaving Dragothia was really difficult but we finally managed to escape. Jackson said he'd help us, but I don't trust that son of a bitch. I miss y/n already and I feel guilty for leaving her alone and defenseless but i'll come back for her.
It's been only two hours since we left Dragonthia but it feels like two years.

"Taehyung I think we need to rest", Yoongi approached me.

"There's no time for this Yoongi. My wife is in danger.", I snapped back at him but instantly regretted it when his face turned serious.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm as tired as you are. But if these fuckers touch just a strand of her hair I'll kill them.", I said as my eyes began to  feel heavier. My mind wasn't thinking straight and I knew I needed to sleep, but all I could think of was y/n.

"I know, and I'm with you on that
but we need to rest to be ready for battle. When the king finds out we're gone, he's going to prepare an army. We need to be one step ahead.", Yoongi said and he's right.

"You're right, let's just camp here for the night. We'll arrive home tomorrow", I said and Yoongi gave me a sympathetic smile.
My head felt like it would blow up and my heart hurt. I need to sleep, I'll think more clearly if I do.

Your POV

"Wait wait what do you mean?", I said while Jackson was effortlessly dragging me out of my room.

"Please be quiet I'll explain everything once we're safe.", he whispered and kept on walking down the corridor on a fast pace.

"How do I know if I can trust you?"

"You wanna know why you feel like something is wrong?"

"How did you-?"

"Just keep walking y/n we don't have much time.", Jackson said and we both fastened our pace. How did he know I felt this way? I didn't say anything to him. I guess I just have to follow him.

"THEY ESCAPED? HOW USELESS ARE YOU?", someone yelled from the room next to us.

"Be quiet...", Jackson whispered with a very unsettling look.

"I-I don't know my king, w-we just got in the chambers and they were gone."

"ALL OF THEM? EVEN JUNGKOOK?", my father said.
Why do I feel like I know this name?

"Y-yes my king unfortunately they all escaped."

"You know what this means? We must prepare for war. These bastards are going to come for her now.", my father said but I wasn't quite sure as to who 'they' were and who was the one they had to save? Could it be me?
Jackson signaled me to walk near him and I tried my hardest to be quiet.

We headed towards a window and Jackson slowly opened while I checked the corridors on both sides in case anyone was coming.

"Quick, get out.", Jackson said and signaled me to get out from the window. I did as he said and went out. Thankfully we weren't that high from the ground so I just jumped down. Jackson did the same and after we straightened our coats, we ran into the hillside that was connected to the palace.

"I know how to climb down but you have to follow my every step.", Jackson said and I nodded in response.
We successfully climbed down and were now in a forest.

"I have a hidden house in the woods but we must be extremely quiet because dragons live here"


"Dragons aren't mean. Well, except if you wake them up.", Jackson said. Well that's just great news.
We strolled through the woods,trying to be very quiet when we finally saw the small,wooden house Jackson was talking about.We quickly got in and Jackson locked the door.

"Okay, now can I have an explanation please?", I said, completely mad at him for dragging me all the way here without even saying a word.

"Y/n I'm sorry I had to do this so quickly and with no absolute explanations, but trust me, now that we're safe, I'm gonna help you remember who you really are and how you got here.", Jackson said.

"Can you start by telling me who's baby this is?"

"Your husband's name is Taehyung", Jackson said.
Taehyung... this name does sound familiar...

"Where is Taehyung now?"

"Him and his friends escaped and I'm guessing they're heading back to Corona",Jackson answered my question.

"So these were the men my father was talking about?", I asked and he nodded. He had a sad and worried look on his face although we just escaped and were now safe.

"Are you ok?", I asked him, while giving him a comforting smile.

"Look we won't have much time. Your parents will understand that I'm helping you and we could both get killed"

"There's no way they would kill me!"

"Okay fair... But still! They'll trap you and keep you away from everyone and everything you love to have you just for themselves. They're obsessed with you and obsession leads to insanity. They'll kill whoever they have to in order to have you.", Jackson said. His words frightened me. He's not wrong, but my mind doesn't want to believe that he's right.

"T-the king. He said a man's name? Jungkook? who's he?", I asked to change the topic since the atmosphere was getting heavy.

"He's your brother"

"I have a brother?"

"Yes... Look y/n, when they escaped, I told Taehyung that I was gonna take care of you. This isn't your fault and neither you nor him should die for this. Please, let me help you and fight by your husbands' side."

"F-fight where?"

"Y/n didn't you hear what your father said?"

"I did, He said that these guys are gonna come to save me"

"Yes, by declaring a war with your father's kingdom", Jackson said and my eyes immediately widened. Then it hit me... If my father is fighting against my husband, how do I know who's side I'm on?

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