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She seems to care a lot about me and Jungkook. I wish I was there for her. But I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. I'm home...

"We're having a ball tonight and I'd love it if you and your brother would attend. I want to show those under my rule that my children are back.", my father said.

"I'm sure a little ball would be fun! I'm sure my brother and his friends are going to love it!" , I said with excitement and he smiled at me.

"Great I'll inform the maids to prepare some fancy clothing for all of you.", he said and stood up. I stood up as well and smiled at him while heading to the door.

"Oh one more thing. Don't let people know where you guys came from." , he said and I got confused at his demand but I decided not to let it affect me.

I nodded my head as a response and slowly walked towards the door , opened it and headed down the long corridor. I went back to the kitchen only to find maids here and there, gathering the dishes and leftover food.

"Where did everybody go ?" , I asked one of them.

"Everyone headed back to their rooms miss.", she replied with a smile and I exited the dining room and went back to my room. I opened the door to find Taehyung going up and down the room with a worried look written all over his face, when he suddenly noticed me and walked towards me.
" Oh thank God you're okay." , he said and hugged me.
"You know , you shouldn't worry that much. I was with my father. We just talked" , I said to comfort him and I felt him smile against my forehead and moving his fingers in a circular motion behind my back , which made my body feel ticklish. "I know , I'm sorry I'm being so overprotective. I guess I worry too much about you and the baby." , He said while moving his one hand upwards to touch my soft hair and pet the back of my head. "It's okay , it's cute that you're worrying. It shows that you care. But relax a little. No one is going to hurt me in here." , I said and moved my head to look at his beautiful eyes. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss and I smiled while softly ruffling his hair. "In fact , my father is throwing a ball tonight and he wants all of us to attend." , I said while smiling at him.
"That's good news. But what will we wear ? We'll probably look like shit , appearing like this in front of everyone." , he said and I giggled at his words.

"No worries. My father will take care of our clothing. We'll all look irresistible." , I said and smiled at him while he giggled softly.

"You don't need fancy clothes to be irresistible." , he whispered with a deep voice and I smirked at him.

"You're still not over our last night's session?", I teased him and watched his all too familiar smirk appear.

"How to get over it babygirl? I can't get enough of you" , he said with a raspy voice and I swear if I wasn't pregnant I would have let him shove his dick all the way inside me. But I have to be a responsible mother I guess. I bit my lips and looked at his dark eyes.
"Hold it babe. I promise you after the pregnancy, We'll have a lot of sex." , I said and he chuckled at my words. He softly removed a strand of hair in front of my face and kissed my lips. We sat down at the bed and talked about all sorts of things. Talking with Taehyung is always so interesting. He always has so many things to say. He has so much knowledge, so much intelligence and yet , sometimes he acts as if he's a five year old. That's one of the many things I love about him. I told him about the conversation I had with my father and he told me that he too , had noticed how silent my mother has been so far. We talked some more about how we both miss Corona but I assured him that we'll go back. After a few hours passed and the sun was slowly setting , a maid knocked on our door and I told her to get in.
"These are the clothes for you. The king thinks that it'd be a good idea to represent our kingdom's colors which are black , white and blue so he picked proper outfits for everyone." , she explained and we both smiled at her.
"That sounds great! Thank you, you can leave them at that chair" , I showed her the chair and she gently placed the boxes on it. "The ball starts in three hours from now. Will you have enough time to get ready?" , she asked , looking at me , probably because women take more time to get ready.
"We'll be ready." , I smiled at her and she headed at the door.
"Oh , I almost forgot! The queen wants to comb your hair and do your make up. She thought it'd be a way for you to get closer." , the maid said and I was shocked at her words , but I nodded my head and smiled at her. She took that as a yes and exited the room. Both me and Taehyung got up to see the clothes and we were both really satisfied with them. We quickly got changed, helping each other get dressed. We looked at each other with eyes full of lust and love.

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