Chapter 4 ~ Blink-182

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Tapping away at my computer that was opened up into my itunes I discovered I haven't listened to Blink in a while. Alex was in my parents room doing god knows what so I decide to play "Josie" because why not.

Yeah, my girlfriend takes me home when I'm too drunk to drive

And she doesn't get all jealous when I hang out with the guys

She laughs at my dumb jokes when no one does

She brings me mexican food from Sombrero's just because

(Yeah, just because)

And my girlfriend likes U.L. and D.H.C.

And she's so smart and independent, I don't think she needs me

Quite half as much as I know I need her

I wonder why there's not another guy that she'd prefer.

The music blared through my entire room, making the average person's ears go numb.

"Blink?" Alex's voice came from behind me. The music was to loud for me to even hear the door open so his words made me jump a little. I quickly paused the song and turned to look at Alex.

"Sorry if it was to loud, I just really like that song." I gave a nervous laugh. Alex smiled at me as well as he walked farther into my room.

"No it's fine. I love Blink-182 actually." He sat on my bed, his eyes stayed glued to my computer screen, probably reading the titles of Blink songs.

While Alex looked at my computer I admired him. He was so beautiful it bothered me. I wanted to kiss him and hold him. He turned his head to look at me and was a little surprised to find that I was already.

"Um Jack, you're staring." he said laughing a little. I shook my head and looked away with a light blush on my cheeks.

"Sorry, I kinda zoned out for a second." Alex nodded and then leaned over to press play on my computer letting the music play through out the house again. He laid himself on my bed, his head propped up on the wall behind him. His eye met mine as he patted the spot next to him gesturing I should sit next to him. Within a heartbeat I jumped out of the chair I was originally in and placed my body down next to Alex.

I watched him flutter his eye lids close just absorbing the music. I wanted to do the same but I was to engrossed in Alex's appearance to even think about looking away. His parted lips started to move as he quietly sung the lyrics under his breathe. I nonchalantly shifted closer to him so I could hear him sing.

"Yea just because"  he breathed in almost a sleep like daze. His chest started to move slower as his lips stop moving. The soft humming coming from Alex told me he was still alive just asleep.

I didn't want to wake him so I let Blink play as he slept on my bed, next to me. I looked down to where his motionless hand laid, my own was right next to it, Alex cringed in his sleeping. A tear escaped his shut eye as he flinched again. Out of a whim I took a hold of his hand and started to rub circles into it. As I did this I watched Alex to see if he was still flinching but he looked calmed. I started to lull myself to sleep as I continued to rub circles into Alex's hand.

I was suppose to hate him, not have a crush on him.

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