Chapter 11 ~ Dead!

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"Alex is a drug dealer?" I shouted at the two smaller girls, who's names I found out were Dani and Lauren, were nervously sending each other glancing.

"Well no but, yes, I'm not entirely sure." Lauren said.

"All we know is that when we were at the park, we saw Alex and some scary tall British dude. The guy started yelling at Alex for not having the 'stuff'." Dani checked her phone as she spoke.

"And when Alex told him he would have it later today the guy started punching him. We tried to stop it but we couldn't do much to this obviously high man that was attacking Alex." Lauren looked down at her shoes.

We were in the hospital. The big scary drug man knocked Alex unconscious, thank god Dani and Lauren were there or else no one would have called the police for him. "I hope he's alright" I prayed.

"I'm sure he will be dear"

"So how do you know Alex?' I asked the two girls sitting across from me in the waiting.

"Best friends. How do you know him?" The curly haired one asked.

"We kind of have a thing, if you know what I mean." I stutter as their eyebrows raise. "If Alex was was unconscious when you found him, how did you know to call me?"

"You were the first person on his emergency contacts, right before my name should I add." Lauren put in.

We sat in the waiting room nervously tapping our toes on the cold tiles.

"Is anyone here for Alex Gaskarth?" A man in a white coat asked. We all stood up and hurried over to him. "He is fine, he might be a little shooken up. And for a few weeks he'll seem like a different person. It would be best for him to be under consent watch, he'll be very paranoid about being attacked again." We all nodded as we watched him speak. "Oh and please go in one at a time."


"He's not himself Jack." Dani said to me after she went in to see him. "His eyes are bloodshot and wide open and he flinches whenever you even motion towards him. I don't know what happened but you need to find out."

"Why am I in charge of that?" I asked as the door opened and Lauren walked out.

"Just go." Dani pushed.

I walked into the cold blank room. Alex laid in the bed a small smiled appeared on his features.

"Hi sweetie." He said. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. His loose fingers tightened around my hands. "I've missed you."

"Alex you need to tell me what happened."

"No," he giggled, "this is for me to know and you to never find out." He pushed his single finger to my lips. His finger was quickly gone and replaced with his lips holding my head in place.

"Alex, you don't remember what happened between us do you?"

"Of course I do Josh! We're getting married." He smiled leaning back onto his pillow with his eyes closed and smiling face.

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