Chapter 8 ~ Who?

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Sorry I've been gone so long. I've been getting sick and my computer has a fuck ton of virus on it.

*cough* *sniffle* I'm listening to Toxic by Brittany Spears

~Lauren ^-^

 ((Warning this chapter sucks and is short because I feel like coughing up my lungs))

My parents returned home the next day. I pulled Alex into my room and kissed him hard on the lips said our goodbyes then I pushed him down the stairs acting as if I still hated him, of course I answered yes even though it was far from the truth. School was starting again and boy was I upset.

My mom woke me up at 6 am to get ready for school. After about taking an hour to get dressed I met with Zack outside my house and we began to walk to school.

"You fucked Gaskarth?" He asked with a shocked expression. I nodded and looked at the ground hiding the blush on my face.

Alex hadn't texted me since the day he crawled through my window to give me a good night kiss. That was two days ago.

We entered homeroom and joined in the chatter with a few people. Even though Alex was a senior and I was a freshman, I still would be able to see him in the hallways.

Third period ended and I ran out of the classroom. After shamelessly memorizing Alex's schedule I knew he would be walking around this hall sometime soon. I heard his angelic laugh and the glisten of his smile and I hauled ass over to him.

"Alex, hey!" I said tapping his arm.

"Hey lex who's that?" A girl next to him ask. She smiled brightly at me, is Alex cheating on me.

"I don't know." He said before walking away and leaving me broken.

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