Chapter 12 ~ Josh?

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I walkd out of the hospital room and looked at the two girls sitting in the plastic chairs.

"He called me Josh." Their faces dropped.

"We knew Josh." Lauren spoke looking at the ground.

"Him and Alex dated for the longest time, and then Josh disapperard." Dani contuined.

The doctor walked out of Alex's room looking down at his clip board. "He just needs a signituare from his gurdian and then he's free to go!"


After we contacted Alex's parents Lauren, Dani and I went back to my house.

"Jack you need to talk about this with Alex as soon as possible." Dani said.

"We don't even know the full story"

I knew I had to but I was to scared of the outcome. I couldn't possible think of what could happen to Alex.


"Oh you must be Jack! Alex always talks about you!" Mrs.Gaskarth smiled allowing me into her house. I offered a friendly smile and walked up the stairs to Alex's room.

"Oh hey Jack." He said when I walked into his room.

"Hey Alex, I need to ask you something." I walked over to his bed and sat down beside him.

"Knock yourself out."

"Who's Josh, you called me him when you first woke up." His eyes widened.

"Okay," he exhaled, "Josh was my boyfriend before I knew you. He was perfect and great, the nicest guy I've ever met. But at least a year into our relationship, I found out that he did drugs and as the love struck 15 year old boy I was when he offered me some I took some. We both became addicted and fell into dealing. That summer were at a party and got high and drunk and I walked in on him having sex with one of our teachers Mr.Sykes. I was to high to understand what was happening but I left the door opened so the other people at the party saw. I didn't know how in love Josh was with Mr.Sykes. Mr.Sykes was the guy that introduced drugs to Josh so when the police found out he was having sex with a minor he had a lot of time in jail. Josh was so torn up about it," Alex took a sharp breathe, "he killed himself. Mr.Sykes got out of jail early, I was still dealing and doing the drugs Josh had left over, Mr.Sykes was too. After multiply threats I got a restraining order on him, but it recently expired and he found me. And that's how we got here now."

It was a lot to take in. "Did you love him?"

"Josh? Yea, I was head over heals in love with him, I still am. I can't grasp the fact that he's dead. That's why I don't want to get serious with you, I'll mess everythng up again."

I pushed my lips to Alex's. "Nothing will go wrong."


I saw Tonight Alive and Mayday Parade it was so great Jenna is a babe.

And PRVIS and Major League were there and really cool.

It was fun.


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