Chapter 15 ~ The Naked Guy Belongs To Me

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I was sitting in my room playing with Alex's motionless fingers, listening to his light snores.

I could look at his shirtless body for hours on end. Alex was the most beautiful person in my eyes. No one can compare to him. His smile could make the saddest person happy and his stupid inappropriate jokes can even make the innocent laugh.

"Are you just staring at me." He smirked. His eyes were closed and the bright honey colored rays were on his also honey colored hair.

"Yuou're just really pretty." His eyes opened and he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me on top of him.

'I'm not pretty, I'm handsome." His morning breathe wasn't even bad. He was just perfect. I placed my lips on his in a light motion. His little giggle escaped through his pressed lips.

"We're two naked teenage boys laying on top of each other, kissing. Do you see something wrong here?" I smiled. He tugged on some of the blonde in my hair smiling up at me.

"I really like you."

"I like you more."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"No, Gerard, Way"

"Yes, Mikey, Way."

"Two emos at peace at last." Alex joked as I buried my head into his chest.

"I just want to lay here forever."

"I don't. I need to pee." In one swift movement I fell off the bed my ass hitting the hard wood floor.

"Bitch." I called as he walked into the hall bathroom. I picked a pair of sweat pants off the floor and tugged them on my body.

After a few seconds I heard the toilet flush, the sink turn, then turn off. Something I wasn't expecting was the girlish scream that sounded like my mother.

"Jack!" She yelled walking into my room pulling Alex by his ear. Alex's bony hands were over his dick while his face was blushing red. "Why is there a naked boy exiting our bathroom!" She screeched.

"Mom, um, you know Alex. My babysitter?" My voice cracked.

"Are you not telling em something dear?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Um the naked guy is kinda my boyfriend. Please don't hate me." I felt my eyes begin to well with tears. I looked at Alex's face and he looked sympathetic then to my mothers face, she looked like she was about to be mad but when she saw the care in Alex's face she stopped.

"Well at least he's hot." She slapped Alex's ass and left the room.

well then.

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