Chapter 13 ~ TURN AWAAaaY

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I sat in my room, nervously tapping a pen on my leg. Trying to write your feeling down takes a lot. I was writing down how the whole Alex thing made me feel. The day was growing later but I remained wide awake.

"Jack!" a voice whispered from outside my bedroom door.

"Alex?" I said quietly as I got up from the spinning chair to open the door. "How did you get in?"

"I tried to do that cute thing from the movies, climbing in through a window. But it was the wrong window." I rolled my eyes and ushered him into my room, closing the door lightly.

"Why are you here?" I asked a bit harshly.

"I've missed you!" he cried. Alex was literally the cutest thing on the planet. I wrapped my arms around him and placed my lips on his for a short moment.

We were sitting on my bed lightly kissing. I was listening to X before he came in and God damn Ed Sheeran can play with your emotions.

"Alex, were you and Josh going to get married?" the question had been set in my mind for the past couple of days.

Alex looked up at me like I had killed someone, "how would you know that?"

"When you called me Josh, you said we were getting married."

He took a short breathe, "the day before he, you know, I proposed to him. He said yes, and then he did that, I was so heartbroken." He looked over at me and put his hand on top of mine, "I still am."

"How long ago was this."


"That was only a few months before this all happened!" Alex and I had met in April.

"I know, I hate to say it but you were kinda my rebound. My mom made me babysit you cause I woulnd't leave the house. When I saw that you were super cute I decided to hit it and quit it but then I realized I really liked you so that's why I wanted to be fuck buddies." Tears were about to spill from Alex's eyes.

I took a deep breathe, probably about to regret my next words, "leave."

"What?" He asked as I stood up from the bed.

"Get out of my house." Alex stood up. "I'll see you on Monday." And with that I pushed him out of my room slamming the door on him.


Lil bit shorter then usaul for two reasons;

One: I had a very fat cat running into my wall then walking on the key board.

Two: I've started a new Kellic called "We Got A Month" and I really like it, I also started a collab with @buttnectar called "Royal Blood." It's a jalex and its on my account.

Also you should follow my instagram that I made yesterday @McDougallBooty

Okie Dokie!

Catch yea later,


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