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What is it?

Uncontrollable, unstoppable, unchangeable.

Described as a muscle but known as an athlete, shaped as a fist but soft as a jug, discovered by all but known by none.

Obsessive, sensitive, impulsive.

Loved and hated, altruistic and selfish, honest and deceitful.

It is a mix of seasons and moods monitoring a body, a volunteer, or an employee displeased by no holidays.




Absolutely reckless.


It is a contradiction, a blend of uncountable layers, a weird recipe for a cake.

Common to all but equal to none.

But the problem remains.

What is it really?

A feeling? An organ? A person?

The brain's first opposer, a drawing of two red polar semicircles, a racer racing on roads of blood.

A full-time worker with no salary in a job it can't just quit from, needed and vital.

There's no way you can get rid of it.

Chatty, eccentric and definitely childish.

Impossible to shut.

Crazy and disturbing.

Full of secrets and rooms with no lights, a liar in the shadows, a whispered voice in your ears before falling asleep.

Lonely and sometimes sadistic.

Lazy and tired.

Messy as hell.

Yet the problem still remains.

So the real question is:

What is yours like?

What does yours mean?

What does yours feel like?

Whatever it is, whatever it means, whatever it feels like.

He doesn't have it.

Jungkook is heartless.

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