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When George and Ringo came in, they seemed to be in a great mood. They talked to Paul for a minute before Ringo walked over to me. Paul must have told him.

"Good morning, Love, I'm Ringo," He greeted, and he seemed genuinely concerned. "How are you?"

"Better," I replied. He lightly patted my good shoulder.

"Oh, good. If you need anything, feel free to ask," He offered.

"Thank you," I smiled.

George Martin handed me a camera and said I could take pictures of them if I wanted to be useful. He said it could be a bit boring just sitting there, and I was glad to have something to do. Paul told me the rest of the names to the faces, being John, George, Mal, and Neil.

There were a lot of "Ah fuck"s and a handful of "bloody hell"s, then several "There's a lady present!!"s. John didn't care though, and neither did I.

Almost every time I tried to snap a picture of George he'd cross his eyes and grin goofily. When I took pictures of John he would smile until I actually took the picture, then he would stick his tongue out. I got some good ones of them regardless, with Ringo not even realising I had a camera until about the tenth time I sneaked a shot of him. Paul would grin and wink at the camera or do a grumpy face, trying not to laugh.

In the short time I'd known him I'd never seen Paul so relaxed, probably because he was always worried about something (mainly me). But not here, all that mattered was the music. Music seemed to keep him together.

Every once in a while they would mess up and burst out laughing.

"...The doctor came in, sminking of gi-- Sminking?" Paul giggled.

"That one was on tape" George laughed.


"All right boys, twenty more minutes," Mr Martin called. John and Ringo looked tired. "Linda, once you're done, I can get those developed,"

"Alright," I replied. I decided to try to get a photo with all four of them in it. It was hard, getting the right angle, but at last I got it. All four of them were laughing when I snapped about three. I handed the camera back to Mr Martin and he thanked me and took the film out, walking back to the sound booth.

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