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We sat side by side on the small bench as he showed me the different notes and chords.

"Here, this is middle C," he told me, pressing a white key to the left of a pair of black ones. 

"Why C?" I asked.

"I haven't the slightest," he replied


"It goes from A to G, then starts over again. The simple chord for C is C, E, and G. These three right here," He placed his hand on the keys and played it softly. "Here's the G chord," he played another one, slightly higher. "And here's D" He played one closer to C. He showed me how to do some other ones before I begged him to play something

He thought for a moment, then started a bouncy song using only those three chords, calling them out as he played. 

He played it deeper and deeper until he hit the last one, then reached his arm behind me and played one on the highest scale, making me giggle.

"I'm starving, what about you?" He asked after a moment in silence.

"Yeah, me too. What would you have me to create, kind master?" I teased in a goofy voice. He laughed and helped me up the steps.


I was beginning to think the stairs were neverending. He let me take a break halfway up, for which I was very grateful.

I couldn't see the extent of the bruises and gashes until we were up in the sunlight. Half his face was purple and his lip, nose, cheek, and a spot near his eye were all bloody.

"Hey, Paul, let's get you cleaned up first... oh, goodness, that must hurt" I grabbed a washcloth from where I'd seen him get them and got it wet. He sat down at the counter and let me dab at his face, wincing only when he really couldn't help it. I tried to be gentle, but I think the fuzzy bits were bothering him too. Though he tried to hide it, I could tell he was still shaken up.

I looked in the freezer and found an ice cube tray. I rinsed out the cloth again and put some ice inside for his bruises. "I really am sorry, Paul--" I felt absolutely awful.

"How long did that go on?"

"Fifteen minutes?"

"No, I mean for you. How long did that happen?"

"Not much,"

He heaved a sigh of relief.

"I couldn't really fight back much after 3 months..."

"Oh, Linda..."

"It's fine, now, for me. Is the ice alright? Do you need more?" I asked.

"It's alright, thank you. Oh, I forgot to ask you, do you like apples?"

"Um, yeah, I guess so, why?"

"My dad asked if I want to go apple picking next week, he said I could bring a friend. D'you want to go?"

"Oh, sure! That'll be fun!"

A/N I didn't really like this chapter but I decided to post it anyway because I haven't in so long. Sorry 'bout that :( I hope you like it anyway 

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