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We spent quite some time talking about our families when the inevitable question came up.

"What about your dad?" I'd lost contact with him after Heather was born. I didn't even know if he was alive.

"I...don't know. I don't know where he is, or if he's even....." It was much easier to say in my head. "I wish I knew, but I... I haven't talked to my family for quite some time...." I looked down and a sense of panic washed over me. What if he's gone? What if my sisters tried to call me but couldn't reach me? 

Paul laid his hand on my upper arm. "Linda, are you alright?" I felt a lump in my throat. I didn't answer him, not trusting my voice. He rubbed his hand up and down my back. "Let's find him, then," he whispered, glancing outside. "But let's start tomorrow, okay?" I nodded and he walked me to my room and eased me down onto the bed. I clutched his hand and closed my eyes. He kissed my forehead once again and stayed by me until I fell asleep.


I had the view of a bird in this dream. I saw a familiar field and recognised the place where I grew up. My father stepped out of the house, looking toward the driveway. I followed his gaze and saw a truck pulling up. I knew that truck too well. I hated that truck, I absolutely loathed it. Jake jumped out and walked toward my dad. Dad crossed his arms and asked what Jake was there for. I knew what was happening but I was powerless to stop it.

He pulled out a knife and Dad started yelling at him. "You're insane!" He kept trudging forward. "What did you do to Linda!?!?" His voice broke, tears forming in his eyes. "Jacob! What did you do?!?!" Jake still didn't answer, he just kept walking. I flew down at Jacob, trying to keep him back, but it didn't work. I rushed to Dad, the gap between the two men closing fast.

"Please, Dad, get in the house, I'm okay, just go! please!" I screamed, but no-one could see or hear me.

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