Start Of The Year

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Ozpin started a speech, and after it, the blonde woman who introduced herself as Glynda, gave orders about where everyone will sleep for the night. You got comfortable on a balcony on the upper levels. Sinon noticed your disappearance, and while looking for you, heard Glynda moaning at a student.

"I told everyone to sleep in that room for the night!" She growled.

"But this is technically part of the room, no?" You said without concern.

"I- fine. I guess you're right. Rest well. You'll need it for tomorrow." She said strictly as she walked away. After making sure it was safe, Sinon came out from hiding, and saw that it was you.

"Everything alright here?" She asked flirtatiously.

"Yeah. I was just setting up my stuff in the least crowded spot, and then suddenly before I knew it that teacher ripped me a new one." You said without a care.

"You're really not easily bothered, huh?" She asked with a giggle at your response.

"Nope, I actually never really get bothered, unless somebody hurts the ones I care about the most." You said as you took your shirt off and yawned.

"Mind if I sleep here too, I noticed that Weiss was scoping me out as though she is ready to commit murder." Sinon asked nervously.

"Sure. Just don't get any funny ideas." You teased, causing her to blush deeply.

"Hey! I should be the one who tells you that!" Sinon yelped, getting caught off guard as she punched you repetitively. It wasn't very hard, so you feigned getting hurt so that she can be happy again.

"You win!" You said with a chuckle.

"You're such an idiot." Sinon said with a giggle.

(Cue song: Twisted by Crashcarburn. Link after chapter.)

"I heard rumors of the initiation while I was talking to Kirito. Apparently, we will get launched into the forest with those creatures, and have to rely on our senses and reactions to get a relic, then return to the academy. You think this is true?" Sinon asked you nervously.

"I don't know, but it wouldn't be the craziest thing to happen to me in this game." You said without much worry.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she leaned on the rail next to you.

"Nothing." You said casually.

"C'mon. I'm your girlfriend now, you know you can tell me anything." She said with a smile as she looked at you through the side of her eye.

"It's nothing. I mean..." You stopped as you turned to her and brushed her hair to the side. She looked into your eyes and froze. You placed a light kiss on her lips. She kissed you back. You soon separated from loss of breath. She blushed a deep red and looked at you in your eyes. You pulled her into a hug and she gladly accepted it. She dug her nails into your back causing you to mentally groaned from her nails digging into your back.

"I love you." She said, thinking back to your chat yesterday.

"I love you to." You said as she placed one peck on your lips before letting go and looking into the distance.

"So I'm the craziest thing that happened to you?" She asked with a chuckle.

"The best craziest thing." You said with a smile.

"You're so sweet." She said as you turned around to see Kirito and Asuna looking at you, causing you to jump back from a fright.

"What? How long have you been standing there!?" You yelped from instinct.

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