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You and the others have decided to start making your way to the final boss. You stopped at a supply trader on the way, grabbing a map and a compass for the road ahead. When you left the shop and entered the forest, you looked at the map and noticed a strange-looking area on the map. The entire area seems to have reddish soil and dead trees all over. The place seems like a barren wasteland with minimal signs of life.

"There. I'm guessing she's in that area." You said sternly.

"What makes you say that?" Sinon asked sternly.

"The looks of the area combined with the fact she's a half-Grimm just has me on a hunch." You said, keeping the stern tone. You've witnessed lots of good people die, all because of her.

"If that's what you think of the boss, I'm with you." Sinon said casually.

"Though that area is at least four months away!" Klein yelped with suprise.

"I figured. Looks like we have a long walk ahead of us." You said, hiding the fact that you're not up for walking that distance, but knowing it's for the best of all things.

You and the others followed the map, coming across a village where you bunkered down for the night, you and Sinon got a room with a double bed, Kirito and Asuna got the room next door while the others got their own separate rooms.
The next day, you and the others set out again, walking down a long and lonely road.


Jaune, Nora, Ren, Hyde, and Ruby are making their way to Haven, they just finished assisting a village with a Grimm problem and are walking down a dirt road, looking at the map, trying to get their bearings. The next thing they heard are gunshots going off not too far from them. They ran to the location of the sounds, and saw you, Sinon, and the others fighting off packs of Grimm. Suddenly, they jumped into the mix much to your suprise.

When you finished shooting and cutting down the Grimm, you and your friends exchanged a look with Ruby and her friends.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Sinon said as she pulled Ruby into a hug while you greeted Jaune and the others.

"What happened back in Beacon?" Sinon asked nervously.

"I got to the top of the tower, then I saw Cinder put an arrow through Pyrrha's chest..." Ruby said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that... where you headed?" You asked with sympathy.

"We're going to Mistral. How about you?" Ruby asked curiously.

"We're going after the final boss, Salem." You said sternly.

"Mind if we join? You're going to need all the help you can get." Ruby asked innocently.

"We'd appreciate that." You said casually.

You and the others kept walking down the path, barely encountering any Grimm along one of the paths.


Yang is at home, watching television. After her arm got cut off she fell into a deep depression, worried about Ruby but feeling powerless to do anything. Her dad, Tai, then came in with a gift especially for her. She accepted the gift, being a bionic arm, but couldn't stand to see it just yet because of her PTS.

Weiss is at her place in Atlas, however, her side of things is much worse with her father being abusive, her brother turning a blind eye, her sister being out in the army, and her mom being an alcoholic due to her father. She is sitting in her room when the butler came in, offering some coffee.

"Your father said you must go to him in five minutes. I've noticed his office is unusually cold, perhaps it's to balance out all his hot air." Klein said, his eye color and his voice changing along with his whole personality.

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